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Zitat (PopCo) PopCo, Zitat

Autor:  Karopapier
We may not like to think we follow the crowd but, to differing extents, we all do. We do odd things – eating meat, praying to an invisible, non-existent bearded man – because everyone else does.
(PopCo; Scarlett Thomas)

Zitat PopCo, Zitat

Autor:  Karopapier
If we were all chilren, it would be easier to rebel. Then again, if we were children, maybe I would actually want to fit in.
(PopCo; Scarlett Thomas)

Zitat PopCo, Zitat

Autor:  Karopapier

With the people at PopCo there is a dilemma. If you dress like them, you fit in. If you dress in an opposite way to them, or in things so ridiculous they would never consider wearing them, you are cool, daring and an individual – and therefore you fit in. My constant conundrum: how do you identify yourself as someone who doesn't fit in when everything you could possibly do demarcates you as someone who does?

Once you strip down the fears of, say, walking through a town in the dead of the night, or finding yourself alone in a dark forest, you soon realise that the only fear you actually have is of being alone.

We may not like to think we follow the crowd but, to differing extents, we all do. We do odd things – eating meat, praying to an invisible, non-existent bearded man – because everyone else does.

(alle drei aus PopCo; Scarlett Thomas)

Scarlett Thomas - PopCo Buch, PopCo, Rezension

Autor:  Karopapier
Autor: Scarlett Thomas
Titel: PopCo
Verlag: Canongate Books
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 450

Alice Butler has been receiving some odd messages - all anonymous, all written in code. Are they from someone at PopCo, the profit-hungry corporation she works for? Or from Alice's long-lost father? Is someone else on her trail?
The solution, she is sure, will involve the code-breaking skills she learned from her grandparents and the key she's been wearing around her neck since she was ten.

Schon wieder ein Buch von Scarlett Thomas. Und schon wieder ein unglaublich gut recherchierter Roman, der bis zur letzten Seite spannend bleibt.
Ihc weiß nicht, was mich mehr beeindruckt: Wie viel Herzblut die Autorin in ihre Werke legt oder wie gut sie sie ausarbeitet. Fakt ist, dass dieses Buch zum Umdenken bewegt, dazu, das eigene Verhalten und das der anderen kritisch zu hinterfragen. Es ist nicht so fantastisch wie das letzte, in dem man in einem einzigen unaufmerksamen Moment plötzlich in einer anderen Welt steckte, aber ebenso gut.
Übrigens: In der Buchhandlung im Frankfurter Bahnhof fiel mir die deutsche Version beider Scarlett Thomas-Romane ins Auge, sie sieht genauso gut aus wie meine englischen Bücher.
Es lohnt sich!