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Country Meme Meme

Autor:  Kyou

[_] You drink a lot of tea.
[_] You know what a brolly is.
[_] Deal or No Deal has taken over your life.
[_] You wanted Ben to win X Factor.
[✓] You use the word "bugger" or the phrase "bloody hell."
[✓] Fish and Chips are yummy.
[✓] You can eat a Full English Breakfast.
[_] You dislike emos almost as much as you dislike chavs.
[_] Its football...not soccer.
Total = 3

[✓] You wear flip flops all year.
[_] You call flipflops thongs not flip flops.
[_] You love a backyard barbie.
[✓] You know a barbie is not a doll.
[✓] You love the beach.
[✓] Sometimes you swear without realizing.
[✓] You're a sports fanatic.
[_] You are tanned.
[_] You're a bit of a bogan.
[_] You have an australian something
Total = 5

[_] The Sopranos is a great show.
[_] Your last name ends in a vowel.
[✓] Your grandmother makes her own sauces.
[✓] You know how a real meatball tastes.
[_] You know Italian songs.
[✓] You have dark hair and dark eye color.
[_] You speak some italian.
[✓] You are under 5'10''.
[_] You know what a italian horn is
[✓] Pizza/spaghetti is the best food in the world!!!
[✓] You talk with your hands.
Total= 6

[_] You say member instead of Remember.
[_] You speak spanish or some.
[✓] You like tacos.
[_] YoU TyPe lIkE ThIs On Da CoMpUtEr.
[✓] You are dark skinned.
[_] You know what a Puta is.
[✓] You talk fast occasionally.
[✓] You have had highlights or have dyed your hair.
[_] You know what platanos are.
Total = 4

[_] You say villian as: Vee-lon.
[✓] You get short tempered.
[✓] You know of somebody named natasha.
[✓] You get cold easily.
[✓] Rain is fun for you.
[✓] You get into contests all the time.
[✓] You can easily make do with the cold weather.
Total = 6

[_] You think beer is the best.
[✓] You have a bad temper.
[_] Your last name starts with a Mc, Murph, O', Fitz or ends with a ley, on, un, an, in, ry, ly, y.
[_] You have blue or green eyes.
[✓] You like the color green.
[_] You have been to a st. pattys day party.
[_] You have a family member from Ireland.
[_] You have blonde hair.
[_] You have/had freckles.
[✓] Your family get togethers always include drinking and singing.
Total = 3

African American
[✓] You say nigga/nukka casually
[_] You have nappy hair.
[_] You like rap.
[✓] You know how to shoot a gun.
[✓] You think President George Walker Bush is racist.
[✓] You like chicken.
[✓] You like watermelon
[_] You can dance.
[_] You can 'sing' gospel.
Total = 5

[✓] You have slanty/small eyes.
[✓] You like rice a lot.
[✓] You are good at math.
[✓] You have played the piano.
[✓] You have family from asia.
[✓] You laugh sometimes covering your mouth.
[_] Most people think you're chinese.
[_] You call hurricanes typhoons.
[_] You go to Baulko.
Total = 6

[✓] You like bread.
[✓] You think German Chocolate is good.
[✓] You speak some German.
[✓] You know what Schnitzel is.
[✓] You hate it when stupid people call you a Nazi.
[✓] You went to Pre-school.
[✓] You're over 5'2.
[✓] You understand some German dialect.
Total = 8

[✓] You like/play/played hockey.
[_] You love beer.
[✓] You say eh.
[_] You know what poutine is.
[✓] You speak some french.
[_] You love Tim Horton's.
[_] At one point you lived in a farm house.
[_] You watch/watched degrassi.
Total = 3

[_] You dislike foriegners.
[_] You hate non - Christians.
[✓] You're lazy.
[_] You are not cultured.
[✓] You hate abortion.
[✓] But love the death penalty.
[_] You don't read.
[_] You shop at Walmart.
[_] You think this survey is rather biased.
total = 3

█║▌│ ██║▌│ ██║▌│ ██║▌│ ██║▌│ ██║▌│ ██║▌│ ██║▌│ ██║▌│ ██║▌│ ██║▌│ ██║▌│ ██║▌│ █

1st place

2nd place
Russian & Asian & Italian


Anime Meme Meme

Autor:  Kyou

Found @ http://heavenly-pearl.livejournal.com/95665.html


1. What was the series that got you into anime?
The first animes I have ever seen were Georgie, Hanni & Nanni and such.
But Sailor Moon was the anime which was tempting.

2. How old were you when you first got into anime?
Ehm... about 6 or 7...

3. How many years has it been since then?
About 14 years xD

4. About how expensive was anime/manga then?
The first manga I bought was 5 euros.

5. Did someone introduce you to anime, or did you discover it on your own?
Discovered on my own... But Annika, a girl from my ex-table-tennis community told me that Sailor Moon was called an anime.


6. Who is your favorite seiyuu?
Seki Tomokazu (Kyou Souma)
Fukuyama Jun (Lelouch)
Kappei Yamaguchi (L) ❤

7. Who is your favorite voice actor/actress?
The one of Hugh Laurie (German Dr. House Voice actor) xD

8. Which series has the best dub?
Death Note & Code Geass ❤

9. How about the worst dub?
Death Note in German -_-

10. What are some of your favorite anime opening songs?
"The World" - Death Note
"Eden" - Yami no Matsuei
"Hito Toshite Jiku ga Bureteiru" - Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
"Lonely in Gorgeous" - Paradise Kiss
"Rose" - Nana

11. Ending songs?
"Half Pain" - Witch Hunter Robin
"Zetsubou Billy" - Death Note

12. How often do you get introduced to new bands because of anime OPs/EDs?
Too often xD


13. Which series has the best animation?
Death Note
Code Geass
Black Lagoon
Paradise Kiss

14. The worst?
ehm... Vampire Hunter D -_-"
hehe... South Park!! xD

15. What was the first series that really impressed you with its animation?
Black Lagoon!

16. What one character do you think has a great overall design?
Zacks & Lelouch ❤

17. What's one clichéd character design you hate?
... *sigh* ...


18. Which series had a plot twist which really took you by surprise or shocked you?
Code Geass

19. Which series makes you cry?
Fruits Basket & Code Geass

20. Which series makes you laugh most?
FuriKuri, Ouran Highschool Hostclub & Ookiku Furikabutte

21. Which series totally confused you?
Evangelion Oo

22. Which series creeped you out?
Angel Sanctuary & Code Geass ❤

23. Which series has the best ending?
Sailor Moon *röfl*

24. The worst?
Kare Kano, definitely!

25. Which completed series deserves a continuation?
Fruits Basket ❤

26. What types of characters do you usually like?
Depends... But I usually hate guys who act all hight and mighty...

27. On average, do your favorite characters usually live or die?
Die T-T

28. Who is the best hero?
Tuxedo Mask! ❤

29. Who is the worst Mary Sue?
Who is Mary Sue?!

30. What is your favorite anime movie?
Howl's Moving Castle

31. What are your favorite genres of anime?
The story and characters have to be interesing. The genre doesn't matter... =)

32. Is there a series you're embarrassed to like for any reason?
Never ever ❤

33. Which series is so overrated it makes you want to puke?
Naruto... Even that I like Naruto... T-T


34. What was the first hentai picture/video you saw?
Eh... Gravitation xD"

35. Is there any subcategory of hentai/yaoi/yuri that freaks you out?
... I'm not a great fan of hentai or yuri...

36. What's the weirdest, most bizarre hentai/yaoi/yuri you've ever seen?
... dunno... Oo I've seen to much bizarre things xD"

37. Be honest... about how much anime porn do you have saved on your computer, you dirty perv?
Eh... a fiew yaois...

38. Who's the best-looking male character?
Tamaki Suo of Ouran Highschool Hostclub
Kazutaka Muraki of Yami no Matsuei

39. Who's the best-looking female character?
Yukari "Caroline" Hayasaka of Paradise Kiss
Levy of Black Lagoon

40. What characteristic can a character have that will automatically make you interested in them?
Humor, sarcasm or coolness xD

41. Who was your first anime crush, if you ever had one?
Mamoru ❤ in Sailer Moon

42. Who was your most SEVERE anime crush?
... SEIYA~ ❤

43. Did you ever send in fan art to an anime magazine?
Animania... xD"

44. Was it horribly drawn?
Dunno xD"

45. Was it published?
I don't think so xD"

46. Which fandoms do you associate yourself with?
Sailor Moon, Death Note, Code Geass, Fruits Basket, Mad Love Chase, The Summit, Nana, Zestuai ❤

47. Was your first anime convention your favorite?
Eh... I think so xD"

48. Have you ever been teased/made fun of because you like anime?
Yep. In class 7, I was the only J-/Anime-/Manga-Fan. And because our school was small, everyone liked to tease me - and later my best friend...
I'm so used to it. It doen't matter xD

49. Have you ever seriously learned something from anime?
Yep. A lot =)

50. What pisses you off about anime fans in general, if anything?
Overreaction -_-"


Kingdom Hearts Meme Meme

Autor:  Kyou

I. Xemnas:
[★] You are the leader most of the time. [depends on ppl]
[★] You like black.
[] You wished/wish you were someone else.
[] You don't listen to others.
[★] You like doing research.

II. Xigbar:
[] You have bad eyesight.
[★] You like throwing things at others when angry.
[★] You wish you were able to teleport.
[] You wear your hair in a ponytail.
[★] You have/wish you had a gun.

III. Xaldin
[★] You like windy days.
[] You have tried to steal something precious from someone.
[★] You like dragons.
[] You have/like dreadlocks.
[★] You've tried to anger someone on purpose.

IV. Vexen
[] You are disrespected by the young ones. [they rather fear me xD"]
[] Someone has already considered you a traitor.
[] You are the oldest of your group.
[★] You like experiments.
[★] You like cold days.

V. Lexaeus
[] You are not very talkative.
[★] You like brain games.
[★] People are afraid of you because of your appearance. [depends =)]
[★] You prefer heavy weapons rather than light ones.
[] You are very strong, physically speaking. [not anymore... but still a brute!]

VI. Zexion
[★] You love reading.
[] You are not very sociable.
[★] You are one of the shortest of your group.
[★] You have a very sensible nose.
[★] You like to illude others.

VII. Saïx
[] You have double-personality issues.
[★] You are more active during night rather than day.
[★] You like werewolves.
[★] Your superior trusts you.
[] You have a scar on your face.

VIII. Axel
[★] You are somewhat a pyromaniac.
[★] You care deeply for your best friends.
[★] You are a two-face when you need to be.
[] You don't like when people don't remember your name.
[★] You have a very fiery personality. [depends on my opponent...]

IX. Demyx
[★] You like music.
[] You know how to play a guitar.
[★] You like rainy days.
[] You like swimming.
[★] You are usually a very happy person.

X. Luxord
[★] You like playing cards.
[★] You like to gamble.
[] Your favorite color is gold.
[] You have stolen money from others.
[★] You have/wished you could curse someone.

XI. Marluxia
[] You like pink.
[★] You like flowers.
[] You are plotting to overthrow your superior.
[★] You were betrayed by someone.
[★] You are a bit of a flamboyant person.

XII. Larxene
[_] You're the only female on your group.
[★] You like storms.
[★] You're pretty agile.
[★] You like to mock others.
[★] You think ninjas are cool.

XIII. Roxas
[★] You love ice cream.
[] You are the youngest of your group.
[★] You think people are hiding something from you. [I'm sure they now how to fly but don't want to tell me D:]
[★] You usually have strange dreams involving people you've never met.
[] You prefer afternoons rather than nights and mornings.


Animexx-Meme Meme

Autor:  Kyou

(01) Wie bist du auf Animexx gekommen?
In der 9. Klasse wurde ich von einer Freundin auf diese Community aufmerksam gemacht...

(02) Wann und wieso hast du dich auf Animexx angemeldet?
Am 05.06.2004 hatte ich mich in der Schulbibliothek einen Account angelegt xD"
Ich fand die Seite und deren Funktionen interessant =)

(03) Bist du Vereinsmitglied?

(04) Hast du schoneinmal mit dem Gedanken gespielt dich hier abzumelden,
bzw. hast du dich schon einmal von Animexx abgemeldet? Wieso?

Nope, niemals daran gedacht.
Ich weiß, dass es viele Leute gibt, die sich beschweren,
was für einen Kindergarten wir doch auf Mexx haben. Aber mal ehrlich...
Solchen intelligenzfreien Menschen begegnet man auch auf offener Straße
und in jedem Bekanntenkreis und bla...

(05) Wie lautet dein Nickname? Wie bist du auf ihn gekommen?
Ich bin ein Riesenfan von Kyo, der von dem Fluch der Katze besessen ist.
Er ist ein Charakter aus "Fruits Basket", ein Manga von Natsuki Takaya.

(06) Welche Nicknamen hattest du bereits?
Nur diesen einzigen =)

(07) Welche Bereiche von Animexx nutzt du am häufigsten?
Foren, Weblog und Fanarts/Douji's

(08) Welche Bereiche von Animexx nutzt du nie?
Den Chat oder die RPGs

(09) Bist du im Forum aktiv?
Jopp ^^

(10) Bist du in Zirkeln angemeldet, bzw. aktiv? Wieso?
Weil ich entweder ein Fan von einer Serie bin oder ich mich mit anderen Mexxern
über bestimmte Themen austauschen will.

(11) Betreibst du einen Weblog?
Yes, honey =)

(12) Hast du Fanarbeiten auf Animexx veröffentlicht? Welches Fanarbeitengebiet liegt dir deiner Ansicht nach am meisten?
Ehm... am meisten... L's Love xD

(13) Spielst du RPGs?
Ich hab's anfangs wirklich versucht, aber ich kann's einfach nicht xD

(14) Wie oft gehst du auf Conventions und Fantreffen?
So oft Schule & Familie es zulässt xD

(15) Schreibst du regelmäßig ENS? Was war die höchste AntwortENS-Zahl, die du je erreicht hast?
Zu hoch xD"

(16) Sammelst du Items? Welches ist dein Lieblingsitem?
Klaro =)
Lieblings-Item... eh... zu vieles xD"

(17) Sammelst du Karotaler? Wie viele Karotaler hast du zur Zeit in deinem Besitz?
Ich bin immer in Not D:
Momentan hab ich 20 KT xD"

(18) Womit verbringst du auf Animexx die meiste Zeit?
Weblogs, Foren, ENS...

(19) Wie oft bist du auf Animexx online?
Mexx läuft fast immer im BG xD"

(20) Wie schätzt du deine Rolle auf Animexx ein?
Bitte? Ich bin nur ein Mexxer xD

(21) Glaubst du, dass du unter den Usern bekannt bist?
Hab ich ein Neon-Schild um mir hängen?

(22) Was gefällt dir an Animexx?
So viel Auswahl...

(23) Was nervt dich an Animexx?
Werbung... Auch die SPRECHENDE!

(24) Welchen Eindruck machst du wohl auf andere User?
Keinen guten?

(25) Gibt es etwas, das wohl anderen Usern an dir missfällt?
Beschwert hat sich bis jetzt keiner D:

(26) Gibt es etwas, das dich an deinen Mitusern stört?
User, die weder richtig lesen noch schreiben können D:
Diese armen Geschöpfe werden leider niemals vom Aussterben bedroht sein...

(27) Gibt es etwas, das dich an Mitusern stört, das du selbst praktizierst/praktiziert hast?
... Wenn ich etwas selbst gemacht habe oder immer noch tue, wäre es unfair andere, die dasselbe tun, darüber zu beurteilen...

(28) Hast du richtig gute Freunde über Animexx gefunden?
Jepp xD"

(29) Welchen Animexxuser würdest du gerne einmal real treffen?
... abgemeldet xD

(30) Wenn du etwas verändern könntest, was würdest du an Animexx ändern?
Die Altersbegrenzung, mit der sich die Leute anmelden...
KB auf Kinners, die mit 13 meinen, sie müssten sich ritzen, weil sie SO viel durchgemacht haben...

(31) Welche Funktionen und Veränderungen wünschst du dir für die Zukunft?
Schoki-Frei-Haus-Funktin =)
Aber ich bleibe realistisch... Das wird es wohl erst nach meinem Tod geben D:

(32) Wie lange wirst du Animexx wohl treu bleiben?
As long as I'm J-Fan =)

(33) Welchen Animexx-Usern willst du diesen Fragebogen ebenfalls antun?


Friends-Meme Friends, Meme

Autor:  Kyou

Found on dA: Meme about your friends

1. What was your first impression of Maike?
"Hey! She has really curly hair! And she's so HUGE! OO I want to be as big as her at least!"

2. What is Peggy's favorite TV show or movie?
The last show I know about is GAME ONE.
And the movie... I think Crows Zero ;)

3. Have you dreamt of Minako before?
Ye....s xD
She was punishing me D:
Actually, she and Schaggie went to shopping with me.
The stupid thing is, I don't like shopping that much xD"

4. What is one thing Yuda isn't exactly made for?

5. Would you open a mystery gift Vanny just gave you, without much hesitation?
Never ever! I'm sure, she wants to kill me! D:
As much as she loves me... I think, I would open any gift or whatever she'll give me xD"

6. Can Juli be bad influence?
Nope. She's a funny dude =)

7. Schaggie got turned into an animal! What animal is it?
A big DOG which will bite me everytime to show its affection xD"
If not... then it would be a donkey. She really luvs them xD"

8. Britta and Maike are forced to roleplay out a verbal couple fight. Who gets to play the wife?
I'm pretty sure, it would be Maike xD"

9. Naila suddenly knows all your secrets. What do you have to say about that?
Should I go kill myself now?

10. Describe Maliha in five words.
Pathetic, coward, funny, sensetive (you just have to touch her and she screams!), drama-queen =)


Human Nature Meme

Autor:  Kyou

Tick mark what suits you and sum up your totals.


[x] - You like cheese.
[_] - You hate peanuts.
[x] - You agree that this quiz is random.
[_] - You have farted today.
[x] - You have choked on something.
[x] - You are a writer.
[x] - You smoke
[_] - You like to swim. [Can't swim, Honey =)]
[_] - You have farted more than once today.
[x] - You like ice cream.


[x] - You have lied more than 10 times.
[_] - You are an only child.
[_] - You have more than 3 pets. [Am not allowed to hold pets in our flat...]
[x] - You prefer water to other drinks.
[_] - You are an alcoholic. [Anti-Alcoholic, darling =)]
[_] - You are under 20 years old.
[_] - You are over 30 years old.
[_] - You have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
[x] - You like jewelry. [depends on...]
[x] - Your favorite music genre is rock.


[ ] - You weigh more than 140 lbs.
[x] - You like pirates.
[x] - You like anime.
[x] - You are a fangirl/fanboy of something.
[x] - You take a prescription drug every day.
[_] - You have a job.
[x] - You live with your parents.
[x] - You like to eat eggs.
[x] - You have a religion.
[x] - You dress stranger than other people.


[x] - You have had diarrhea in the past 2 weeks. [how do you know?!]
[x] - You have eaten something odd before.
[x] - You are bad at math.
[x] - You love electronics.
[x] - Someone/something.
[x] - You cuss a lot.
[x] - You believe in aliens.
[_] - You play video games. [Not a gamer, sweety =)]
[x] - You have low self-esteem.
[_] - You carry a purse.


[x] - You like flowers.
[_] - You are bisexual or homosexual.
[x] - You are a Capricorn or a Scorpio.
[x] - You have used tarot before.
[x] - You believe in ghosts.
[_] - You think *The-Fun-Group is awesome.
[_] - You like =Fotus9's horoscopes better than *An-Unsure-Thing's
[_] - You thought today's funny saying was really funny.
[_] - You have gotten one of the daily riddle's right.
[x] - You have gotten in/came close to being in a fist fight.


[x] - You like fire.
[x] - You have fainted or passed out before.
[_] - You have a high school diploma. [getting mine xD]
[_] - You live in America. [Germany...]
[_] - You use hand sanitizer a lot.
[x] - You consider yourself a nerd.
[_] - You have tried chewing tobacco. [Smoking tobacco is much better xD]
[_] - You are a conspiracy theorist.
[x] - You sleep in the nude. [Only at home...]


[x] - You have imagined yourself being famous.
[x] - You own a stuffed animal.
[x] - You like watermelon.
[x] - You live in Europe.
[x] - You have a fetish for something.
[x] - You fidget a lot.
[x] - You agree that this quiz has nothing to do with anything.
[_] - You won't re-post this quiz.
[x] - You have your own personal computer and don't share one.
[x] - You have a brother. [I even own 2 xD]


[_] - You can cook well.
[x] - You like to party.
[x] - You are a bad dancer.
[ ] - You are a professional dancer.
[x] - You have crossed paths with a black cat.
[x] - You have a friend that you think is crazy.
[x] - You have under 10 good, close friends.
[x] - You are anticipating your answer to this quiz.
[x] - You have ran away from something.
[x] - You have watched the movie: "X Men 3".


[x] - You like to mix soft drinks together.
[x] - You have done an odd experiment.
[x] - People have stared at you oddly in public.
[_] - Your grandmother(s) are still alive.
[_] - You have a step-mom or dad.
[_] - You hate to be tagged.
[_] - You have been a member to dA for under 3 months.
[_] - You have a dA subscription.
[_] - Your hair is brown.
[x] - You love to eat candy.


[x] - You have dressed up for Halloween.
[x] - You love cats.
[x] - You have a quirky personality.
[_] - You are a coffee addict.
[_] - You live near a body of water.
[x] - You have had a toothache.
[x] - You currently have to go to the bathroom.
[x] - You like reading others' answers to "What would you do?".
[_] - You are a vegetarian/vegan.
[_] - You use the term: "Epic Fail".


I'm [62]:


0-25 = A spaceship.
26 = Corn.
27 = The Chosen One.
28 = A donkey.
29 = Flashlight.
30 = Weed.
31 = Stalker.
32 = Poodle.
33 = A turd.
34 = Pacifier.
35 = Chili.
36 = A continent.
37 = Bamboo.
38 = A Nissan Skyline.
39 = Pedophile.
40 = A rather large and smelly fish.
41 = Parachute.
42 = Mob of angry sheep.
43 = A clone of yourself.
44 = A mortified chocolate deer antler.
45 = Pincushion.
46 = Toilet seat.
47 = Ninja.
48 = Psycho passion fruit.
49 = Yellow snow.
50 = Flammable.
51 = A poison Easter basket.
52 = A dirty diaper.
53 = Mammary gland.
54 = A moose humping a guardrail.
55 = An illegal immigrant.
56 = Tofu.
57 = Microscopic testicle fuzz.
58 = Staple gun.
59 = Tail feather.
60 = A white rapper.
61 = A shotgun shell.
62 = Sexy as hell.
63 = A popcorn fart.
64 = A rusty, herpes infected needle.
65 = Fortune cookie.
66 = Barack Obama.
67 = Chinchilla.
68 = Weapon of mass destruction.
69 = An epic failure at everything.
70 = Sweat.
71 = Naughty nymphomaniac.
72 = Bicycle tire.
73 = A semi-proportionate and anonymous fish scale.
74 = The Bubonic Plague.
75 = Turkey.
76 = Amoeba.
77 = A lice-infected hobo.
78 = The ruler of all evil.
79 = Horny toad.
80 = Fairy Godmother.
81 = Tuba.
82 = Anorexic llama capillary.
83 = Moldy snot.
84 = Miley Cyrus wannabe.
85 = Doppelganger.
86 = Future porn star.
87 = Unnatural disaster.
88 = Statistical database.
89 = Genital lice.
90 = Rocket launcher.
91 = Ruby vomit.
92 = Maggot.
93 = Selfish antagonistic poofing cat.
94 = Pudding.
95 = A gravy train.
96 = Santa Claus.
97 = Paris Hilton's big toe.
98 = Decaying insect corpse.
99 = Blood bank.
100 = Freak of nature and humanity.


Hetalia-Meme Meme

Autor:  Kyou


► North Italy (Vargas Feliciano)

[✖] You were bullied a lot in your childhood.
[✖] You adore pasta, pizza, cheese, and fruit.
[✖] You're very happy-go-lucky.
[✖] You constantly have a dozy look on your face as if you're always away with the fairies.
[ ] You have a long curly strand of hair that always tends to stick up.
[ ] You're a good artist.
[✖] You can be clumsy at times.
[ ] You have a friend you always depend upon if you mess up something.
[ ] If your life was in danger, you would do the typical Italian thing and say: "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! I HAVE RELATIVES IN YOUR COUNTRY!".
[ ] You would surrender in a war situation.

► Germany (Ludwig)

[✖] You're very stoic and serious
[ ] Sausages are your favourite foods.
[ ] You like to walk dogs/your dog.
[ ] Your boss/principal/tutor/home-room teacher is a nut-case.
[ ] You love rules and think they should always be followed to a T.
[ ] You think the world would be better if everyone played by the rules.
[✖] You work very hard.
[✖] Your alone time is your 'happy time'.
[ ] You can appear tough but can be very considerate towards people.
[ ] You've had issues with money once or twice.

► Japan (Kiku Honda)

[✖] You're very mature. Well, not very.
[ ] You think everything over before saying it.
[ ] You believe in ghosts but aren't phased by the experience when you see one.
[ ] You isolated yourself during childhood.
[✖] You became very successful in a short amount of time.
[✖] You are somewhat inexperienced when it comes to the outside world
[✖] You can seem cold/aloof to other people.
[✖] You're good at practical tasks.
[ ] You need time to adjust to new people.

► United States of America (Alfred F. Jones)

[✖] You love hamburgers.
[ ] You think you're awesome
[✖] You love to invent things.
[✖] You love going to the cinema/watching films/making films.
[✖] You can seem to be very brash to other people
[✖] You have a tendency to stick your nose into other peoples' business.
[ ] You're terrified of ghosts.
[✖] You know aliens exist.
[ ] You tend to wear a bomber jacket all the time.
[ ] You wear glasses.

► United Kingdom (Arthur Kirkland)

[ ] You like tea.
[✖] You were quite tough and troublesome as a kid.
[✖] You're very sarcastic and cynical. [depends on the persons]
[✖] Your cooking is awful.
[✖] You love spiritual magical stuff, such as fairies, ghosts...
[ ] ...But you refuse to believe in aliens.
[ ] You have tried doing black magic before.
[ ] You get drunk quite easily.
[ ] When you are drunk, you tend to be very unhappy.
[ ] You're good at embroidery.

► France (Francis Bonnefoy)

[✖] You're very affectionate.
[ ] You think you have a great fashion sense.
[ ] You like wine.
[ ] You're the master of whispering romantic things into peoples' ears.
[ ] You love red roses.
[ ] When it comes to l'amour, you don't mind men or women.
[ ] You're very proud of yourself.
[✖] You love culture and the arts.
[✖] You're very flamboyant.
[ ] You say you're a gourmet.

► Russia (Ivan Braginski)

[ ] You had a very sad childhood.
[ ] You're very tall.
[✖] You have a tendency to switch between personalities.
[ ] You wear a scarf all the time.
[ ] You love sunflowers.
[ ] You love vodka.
[✖] You can seem intimidating to other people.
[✖] You're very strong.
[✖] You have a big nose.
[✖] You have a strange laugh that can scare people.

► China (Wong Yao)

[✖] You're very mature. [depends xP]
[ ] You're very superstitious
[ ] You're very religious
[✖] You love pandas
[ ] You love cooking so much that you nag if food has a certain pattern of tastes
[✖] You love Hello Kitty
[✖] You try to be a role-model for your brothers/sisters/whatever, but are never taken seriously. [well... not from the youngest one...]
[✖] You work hard
[ ] You're good at drawing
[✖] You like sweets

► Austria (Roderich Edelstein)

[✖] You are very well-raised. [parents tried their best]
[✖] You're polite.
[✖] You love classical music.
[ ] You like cake.
[✖] You have a mole on your face.
[✖] You dedicate your time to your hobbies rather than what needs to be done right away.
[ ] You are a virtuoso/play very well on at least one instrument.
[✖] You've composed music before.
[✖] You tend to call people 'morons'.
[ ] You wear glasses.

► Canada (Matthew Williams)

[ ] You're often ignored by people.
[ ] You look younger than you actually are.
[✖] You love hockey.
[ ] You love polar bears.
[ ] You hate fighting.
[ ] You have one strand of curly hair, like Italy.
[ ] You often get mistaken for someone else.
[ ] You feel under-appreciated.
[✖] You're bilingual.
[ ] You always carry a bear with you.

► Cuba

[✖] You smoke.
[✖] You're very physically strong.
[✖] You've won a lot of fist-fights.
[✖] In your social circle, there are two brothers - you get along with one, but not with the other. [BINGO!]
[✖] You have very strong emotions about a variety of topics.
[ ] You like hot weather.
[✖] You can be very friendly from time to time.
[ ] You look very tough on the outside.
[ ] You make a very nice role-model.
[ ] You don't let people get a word in edgeways.

► Hungary (Elizavetha Hédeváry)

[✖] You have a potty-mouth. [depends on ppl]
[ ] You like to wear flowers in your hair.
[ ] You used to be a very tough kid.
[✖] You're very reliable.
[✖] It's better to have you as a friend rather than an enemy.
[✖] You're very faithful.
[✖] Your speech and mannerisms can be considered very unladylike.
[✖] You and your best friend go together like chalk and cheese.
[✖] You are graceful one moment and grinning like a maniac the next.
[ ] If someone yells that yaoi is going on somewhere, you will drop everything to run off to go and see it.

► Lithuania (Toris Lorinaitis)

[✖] You're very loyal.
[✖] You feel like your best friend drags you around a lot, but you both have a great time together.
[ ] You're very serious.
[✖] You have a lot of patience.
[✖] You think too much about philosophical stuff.
[ ] You get depressed when questioning the point of existing/the universe, etc.
[ ] You're not very confident.
[✖] You were quite rebellious as a child. [I still am...]
[ ] People tend to walk all over you.
[✖] You're a born worrier.

► Poland (Feliks Lucasiewocz)

[✖] You're very flamboyant.
[✖] You're quite hyperactive.
[✖] You can be quite goofy.
[ ] When you're depressed, you tend to rise out of it like a phoenix.
[ ] You're very wary of strangers.
[✖] It takes you ages to come out of your shell. [there is a wall ppl can't overcome]
[✖] However, when you're used to someone, you're very chatty.
[✖] You're very forceful and stand at one end of the argument when it comes to your opinions.
[ ] You love pansies and corn-poppies.
[ ] You get up to lots of crazy antics.

► Prussia (Gilbert Weillschmidt)

[✖] You're quite mean-spirited. [depends...]
[✖] You're a bit of a hooligan.
[✖] You're very loyal.
[ ] You're very good at tactics.
[ ] You hate Russia.
[✖] You love to fight people.
[✖] You can avoid marriages quite well
[✖] You're not always taken seriously.
[ ] You like drinking.
[✖] You want to become stronger.

► Finland (Tino Väinämöinen)

[ ] You are naturally cute
[ ] You have an innocent face
[ ] You have someone strong to protect you
[✖] You are good at fighting even though no one would takes you seriously
[ ] You are smart & good at strategies
[ ] You love dogs
[ ] and you like to invent strange names for them
[ ] you are considered to be a wife/mum
[ ] that kind of bothers you. sort of.
[✖] But you like being together with your family/friends

► Sweden (Berwald Oxenstierna)

[ ] You don't talk too much
[✖] You are very thoughtful
[✖] You seem to scare people
[✖] No one really understands your way of thinking/acting
[✖] You are intimidating
[ ] You are very playful on the inside but you never show it
[✖] You like arguing
[✖] You can be scary for real if it is about your partner/best friend
[ ] You have a thing about Ikea/furniture/decoration
[ ] You like the idea of having a family

► Sealand (Peter Kirkland)

[ ] You want to be recognized by everyone
[✖] You are strong willed and enthusiastic
[✖] You are a natural optimist
[ ] You have an older brother who you like to argue with
[✖] You like the sea
[ ] You like marine style
[✖] You feel small sometimes
[ ] You were a tough child
[✖] Many people tend to find you annoying
[✖] You like sweets
