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Ardarim is home!!

Autor:  pink-mink

Die "Box Opening"-Story meines neuen Schnuffelchen Ardarim! <3

Ardarim ist ein 46cm Junge aus dem Hause "Angel of Dream" und der Partner von Yaruron. ^^ Gesh, ich hab solange darauf gewartet ihn endlich in den Händen zu halten, ich kann mein Glück kaum fassen. *_______*

Ein großes Danke geht an Ara und abgemeldet, die mich bei der Mold-Findung für Adda unterstützt und immer ein offenes Ohr für meine Problemchen haben. XD

So, der nachfolgende Text bleibt aus lauter Faulheit in Englisch, einfach weil ichs lustiger und zeitsparender finde. XD

Sollte jemand Fehler finden, darf er sie behalten. *höhöhö*

Und Vorsicht: Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr viele Bilder voraus! XD


I ordered my sweetheart on November 3th and Yaruron, my DZ Mo, and I were very very surprised and excitet about the fact that Ardarim could have been home yesterday but unfortunately I came home late from university. DX

But a very friendly staff member from a nearby company accepted the delivery so I was able to fetch him from her around morning! <3

And yeah, it took him only 15 days to get from China to Germany, what a stunning and quick delivery. *_____*

And now, dear Ladies and Gentlemen, enjoy the first meeting of Yaruron and Ardarim, my most beloved OCs. XD

Ohhhhh, the big big box of dooooooooooom! [See later for why it is doomed]

Me: Ohmagaaad, he´s here, he´s really here! It is so big but quite light... I wonder if he´s really in there! O___O Gosh, what if they have forgotten to put him in there?
Yaru: Calm down lady, have you ever heared of such a thing before?

Yaru: So there he is, in there.... *sighs*
Me: Do you want me to open it?

Yaru: Of course NOT! I want him to be in there FOREVER! *muahuahuahua* Honestly, I hope that was a rhetorical question! Ò___ó
Me: Yes, it was, stupid brat. <___<° So tell me, where did I leave the knife... *looks around*

Yaru: Meant this one, Ma´am?
Me: Yarp, exactly. Give it to me and go to your place before you hurt yourself!

Yaru: May Cleffairy join us?
Cleffairy: Pweeeeeeeese! <3
Me: *sighs* Sure, she cannot bug me more than you do. *snuggles him*

Me: Okaaay, here we go! *cuts*

Yaru: Congratulations, you killed the foam!
Me: Go back to your roo... Sorry, wrong series... Go back to your place!

Me: Way better. Now stay there!
Yaru: *chunters*
Cleffairy: Piiieeepi!

Me: *takes out the foam* Ooooookay, something looks wrong here... O___ó
Yaru: If you ask me I´d say the box in the box is upsidedown, but I bet you wouldn´t.
Me: *scowls at him*

Yaru: Way better, mom!
Cleffairy: *nods happily*

Me: Yeah, it´s a.... foam-man? O___o

Yaru: What? Let me see!
Me: I like him,... somehow. He looks kinda funny. *takes him out*

Me: Here, your new boyfriend!
Yaru: *glares at me* Haha, sooooo funny. <____<°
Me: *chuckles and takes out the left foam*

Yaru: And again the wrong side! Haha!
Me: Grooooooooarr! Damned box of Dooom!

Yaru: Ooookay, that´s him? *coughs* Well,he always had a strange taste of clothing...
Me: Don´t worry, he won´t be dressed in this stuff. XD
Yaru: Now come on! OPEN IT! Ò_____ó

Me: Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, it is PINK!!!!!
Yaru: Oh my goddess, pink cushions. *shudders* Suits him well, in a... creepy way.

Yaru: Mom, you´re drooling.
Me: Yes, and I´m not ashamed of it!
Yaru: Whatever! TAKE HIM OUT!

Me: Arrrrrrrwwwwwwww, pink dollie candy!!!!!!!! And a shirt as anniversary gift! <3
Yaru: Okay, it´s over you need way to long to get him out there! Out of the way, lady! Now it´s my turn! Ò___ó

Yaru: *unties* *humms*

Yaru: *unties*

Yaru: *rolls*

Yaru: Tadaaaaaa! Here he is! My Ardarim!
Me: *coughs* I guess he´s upside down, darling. XD

Me: *unwraps him* Oiiiii, look at hhis lovely skin! And blue boxers! XD
Yaru: Why does he have underwear and me not?
Me: Cause he´s coy, unlike you. <___<°
Yaru: Ah yeah, I forgot about that!
Ardarim: Errrm, do you remember me?

Me: Gosh, I so love his face! Yaru, look at him!
Adda: Hey there!
Yaru: ...
Me: Yaru?

Yaru: Let me have a word with you, Ma´am!
Me: *looks baffled* What´s wrong?
Yaru: Do you really ask me what is wrong!? O_____o Have you looked at this guy? He is underdone, no hair, face and none of his scars, you have to send him back!

Me: *giggles* Stupid Yaru. I ordered him this way and he´s perfect the way he is. I will do his face-up by myself, he will get his true eyecolor and the perfect wig and his scars. - Without hurting him.
Yaru: You´re sure? It´s really him?
Adda: Stop talking about me you narcistic jerk, I can hear you! Ò___ó
Me: Any other proofs?

In the meantime....

Cleffairy: Bubblewraaaaaaap! Bubblewrapbubblewrapbubblewrapbubblewrap!!!!!!! *squees* *dances* *bursts the bubbles*

Adda: Mother, remember the bubblewrap around my hands? Could you please take it off?
Me: Yeah sweety, I remember you, come here. We will get rid of it.

Yaru: Now let´s have a look at what is in your boxers... *sings*
Me: O____o

Adda: Ò_____ó *smacks him*
Me: O________________________o

Yaru: Gosh, I think I deserved that. Q___Q
Adda: *snarls*
Me: Now come on boys, behave yourselves! Adda, time to dress. Yaru: Onto the big couch for big people! NOW! Ò___ó

Adda: Thanks mother!
Me: Nevermind sweetheart. Gosh, look at your pweeetty face! Even with the wrong color of your eyes your soo beautiful!
Adda: *blushes*

Cleffairy: Buuublewrap!
Me: And your pretty backside! <3
Yaru: Nice butt, Kitty! *shouts*

Adda: Shut up you.... toad!
Yaru: *gulps* Ò____ó

Me: And your muscles! Look at your abdominal muscles. *faints*
Yaru: I want to see it tooooooo!

Me: And now: Stripteasetime! *steals his boxers*
Adda: O____________o
Yaru: I wanna seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! DX DX DX
Me: Ui, kinda... impressive. O___o
Yaru: Q_______Q

Adda: Noooo, that´s so embarrassing! *covers himself*
Me: Okay, I´ll dress you. XD

Me: Thihi, freebieshirt! <3 But it looks kinda huge. O___o

Me: Say Hello to the AoD defaultwig of Dooooom. D:
Adda: Mother, I cannot see you.

Me: Hrmm, not really better. D: Gosh, I never expected you to arrive so soon, I had no time to shop for you. D:
Adda: Nevermind mother, at least I´m dressed. XD
Me: Aaarww, you´re a fine boy! Yaru, you may come back!

Me: So, what do you say?
Yaru: Well, it´s a little bit better...

Yaru: ...But your hair is kind of a cruelty.
Adda: Yeah, I know, but the boots are really comfortable. X3

Yaru: That´s good, fitting shoewear is really import.... O____o *gulps*

Yaru: Lady, didn´t I say you wasn´t allowed to give him MY BOOTS? Ò____Ó
Me: He has larger feet than you and no other shoes would fit him.
Yaru: And? O_______Ó

Adda: Don´t mind it Yaru, they´re not my style anyway.
Yaru: Oh, is that so?

Yaru: Then give them back! Ò___o
Adda: What the....?
Me: Yaru! Stop that! Ò_______ó

Adda: Ò__________ó *kicks him*
Yaru: O_____________________________________O

Adda: You will MEVER EVER do that again! *blares*
Yaru: *gasps for breath*

Adda: *walks away*

Yaru: ....
Cleffairy: .....

Cleffairy: Piep?
Yaru: *gasps* What´s up dear?

Cleffairy: Bubblewrap?

Yaru: Gosh, I think that´s why I love him...

That´s it, thanks for reading til the end!

Datum: 19.11.2008 01:17
oh mann, ich hab mich grad fast tot gelacht... XDD
Most precisely not, Mr. Potter...
Datum: 19.11.2008 06:11
lol wie geil XD
aber ich find die klamotten passen net zu dem neuen. hoffe, der bekommt andere ;)
Schaut mal vorbei ;)
Datum: 19.11.2008 07:05
Lol, das is toll XD"

Meh, ich sollte auch eine schöne Story machen wenn Alois kommt, bei den anderen beiden gings nicht und Fanny war nich SO lohnend D:
Datum: 25.11.2008 20:43
X3 wie toll!! nun seh ich deinen mo auch endlich mal! sieht ganz anders aus als meiner, der sich auch wieder verändert hat. ^_^ voll gespannt bin ich auf das face-up! du musst unbedingt bilder zeigen, wenn es fertig ist! ich hab mittlerweile nun auch zwei neue hier sitzen... ist das irgendwie ne krankheit?? XD
Falls du auf den geeigneten Augenblick gewartet hast... das war er.

"Menschen werden schlecht und schuldig, weil sie reden und handeln, ohne die Folgen ihrer Worte und Taten vorauszusehen." Franz Kafka
Datum: 23.01.2009 20:18
Oh mein Gott wie toll xD
Ich will auch mit Piepi diese Dinger kaputt drücken q,q das ist toll...
:::I`ll always protect you.... Zero...:::

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