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Einzelposting: Ar Tonelico 2 - Fans hier?

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Von:    DKelli 20.09.2009 22:59
Betreff: Ar Tonelico 2 - Fans hier? [Antworten]

Ich hatte von dem Spiel keine Ahnung, hab es im Regal gesehen, genug Geld in der Tasche gehabt und es mir geholt xD
(Daran waren Cloche und Luca auf dem Cover nicht ganz unschuldig~)
Ich habe es zwar noch nicht durch, aber es ist super. Die Storyline ist durchdacht und der Soundtrack (besonders die Hymmnen) sind 1A.
Manchmal stört es mich, dass so viel gesprochen wird im Cosmosphere, wenn man es gerade eilig hat... Aber hey, die Cosmospheres sind einfach etwas, für das man sich Zeit nehmen sollte.

Zu dem Glitch:
Außer nem Chip kann man das 'Einfrieren' noch anders beheben...
Ein Video, indem Raki in einer Runde vor Ablauf der Zeit besiegt wird.
Q. What is this Glitch I'm hearing about?
A. After you fought Raki in Sol Marta, you can fight her again optionally.
Everytime you defeat her, she will power up. Defeat her 15 times and she
will give you some rewards.

A lot of people (including myself) have experienced a glitch while
fighting Raki. After 3-4 turns during the fight, the game will freeze
and the only way to fix it is to reset the game and try again. However,
the glitch won't go away no matter how hard you try and the only way to
prevent the glitch is by defeating Raki in less than 2 turns. This is
very easy to accomplish during the first 5 battles, but it gets pretty
frustating after that.

There's another way to prevent it and it was discovered by Sunderwear
from GAMEFAQs. All you need to do is to have 2 reyvateils that can cast
Blue Spells and have your 2 strongest Vanguards properly equipped. When
the battle starts, cast your first Blue Spell (Cure Spell works the best).
Now during your Attack Phase, quickly cast your other Blue Spell. Have
you noticed the slight pause after you cast your 2nd Blue spell? That's
the key to this trick. It delays the time during your Attack Phase letting
you to do more damage on Raki. When your 2nd Blue Spell has been cast,
quickly attack Raki. When your Vanguards are about to leap on Raki,
quickly recast the spell again. Another pause will occur and your
Vanguards will return to their normal positions. Quickly attack Raki
again. When they're about to leap on her, quickly recast the spell again
and another pause will occur. Keep repeating this trick until you defeat
Raki. Doing this trick will let you defeat Raki in less than 2 turns. It
won't eliminate the glitch but it lowers the chance of getting it.

Dias Flac <diasflac@live.com> has sent me another way to get rid of
Raki's Glitch.

"There is a fix available for the crash in Raki's fight:
http://asmodean.reverse.net/pages/ar2bugfix.html .
So if you play your games on a PS2 hard drive for faster loading like I
do, all you need to do is apply the patch on the game ISO, and problem

Alles in allem finde ich das Spiel bisher wirklich spielenswert.
Und empfehle es weiter =)
Midnight's just around the corner.

[Suche einen fanatischen Persona 3 und/oder 4 Fan, der Lust auf Fanfic-Challenges hat und für alles offen ist.^^]

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