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Once Upon A Time... evil queen, Fernsehen, Once Upon A Time, Rumpelstiltskin, Serie

Autor:  konpaku

there were two writers of „Lost“ who decided to create a TV-series centering around Fairytale characters that ended up in our world.
When the series was far into its second season a random blogger started watching it.

So here I am now waiting for the next episode and giving you my two cents on ABC’s “Once Upon A Time” by Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz.
When the Evil Queen enacts a “horrible” curse all Fairytale-characters one (possibly) knows are separated from their loved-ones and given new memories and lives in a town in our world: Storybrook, Maine. Breaking this curse is the destiny of the main character Emma Swan. And being the main character she has to face different trials throughout the season(s).

Before I start to go into the topic I’d like to note that I consider it pretty hilarious that the Evil Queen claims our land to be “somewhere horrible”. For a magic user a land without any magic probably IS a horrible place. For everyone else probably just weird and foreign. :D

That said: I don’t really know why I started watching it in the first place, but it might have to do with the fact that I simply like hearing/reading about or watching Fairytales. And with OUAT you don’t just have every Fairytale-character you (possibly) know, but also them in a different world. Besides I’ve already was curious about it thanks to the previews for the German version of it. So I gave it a shot and was admittedly quite easily won over.

Seriously: I only needed to watch a certain scene in the pilot and they had me.
The scene I’m referring to is the Evil Queens entry scene: The music, the atmosphere, the wonderfully bizarre animation of how she “walked” down the hall towards Snow White and Prince Charming. My mind really just went “BAM, you gotta watch this”. And when later they switched to a scene with a weird sounding and looking creature kept in a dungeon prison; guess that was the very final straw to destroy all my doubts (pun intended ;) ).

I really think this series has a great concept and great writings. It is always fascinating how the different stories (Fairytales) connect and how the different characters interact. As well as seeing “history” repeat itself when the “humanized” versions live through a similar trial in each episode as their Fairytale-counterpart.

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