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Autor:  Kit
The secret side of me,
I never let you see
I keep it caged
But I can't control it
So stay away from me
The beast is ugly
I feel the rage
And I just can't hold it
It's scratching on the walls
In the closet, in the halls
It comes awake
And I can't control it
Hiding under the bed
In my body, in my head
Why won't somebody come and save me from this?
Make it end!

I feel it deep within,
It's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I Feel like a monster
I hate what I've become
The nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster


Autor:  Kit
Wieso tuts wieder so weh? .. Ich hab den Schmerz tausendmal schon durchgemacht. Tausendmal im ungewissen gelebt. Warum fällts mir jetz so schwer zu akzeptieren dass es wieder so is? ... Warum mach ich die Augen zu und bete obwohl ich meinen Glauben schon vor langer Zeit verloren hab? ... Wenigstens weiss ich jetz dass ich keine eiskalte Schlampe bin, wie alle denken.. denn Weh tuts mal wieder wie sau <3 :D

never goes away...

Autor:  Kit
Hearing your name, the memories come back again
I remember when it started happening
I see you in every thought I have and then
The thoughts slowly found words attached to them
And I knew is they escaped the way I was committing myself to them and everyday
I regret saying those things, cuz now I see that
I took what I hated and made it a part of me

It never goes away...
Never goes away...
And now, you've become a part of me
You'll always be right here
You've become a part of me
You'll always be my fear
I can't separate
Myself from what I've done
Giving up a part of me
I've let myself become you...

Ich. krieg. aggos.

Autor:  Kit
Es gibt so dinge.. da find ichs langsam ned mehr lustig >_>


Autor:  Kit
Sein oder nicht sein ist gegen meine derzeitige Situation ne verdammt blöde, unwichtige Frage xDD

Never surrender?

Autor:  Kit
Wenn mich moin auf der Besinnungsfahrt irgendjemand fragt wies mir geht, KOTZ ich ihm ins Gesicht.


Autor:  Kit

Try to give you warning but everyone ignores me..
told you everything loud and clear
but nobodys listening...


Autor:  Kit

„Am Ende siegt immer die Wahrheit. Doch leider sind wir erst am Anfang.“

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