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Autor:  DerNeji
Away again since Sep. 25th.
Datum: 13.09.2010 23:33
Da kannste gar nich zu meinem BDay am 24. kommen ._.
I'm a proud member of Back on Stage - Onigiri! ♥♥♥
Datum: 13.09.2010 23:54
Wie scho vorhin gesagt
Ne "Angenehme" Arbeitszeit Bruder~
A frog in a lake, he`s sitting on a lily-pad and says: "RIBBIT"! ^^
If he doesn`t sit on the lily-pad, he`s under the water and dive.
And when he isn`t in the lake, he`s singing and dancing on waterside. XD

ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit - the name of this frog is: Froggy ^^

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