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Autor:  Isabella92
I can’t get out of bed today or get you off my mind
I just can’t seem to find a way to leave the love behind
I aint trippin', I’m just missin' you
You know what I’m saying, you know what I mean
You kept me hangin on a string while you make me cry
I tried to give you everything but you just gave me lies
I aint trippin' I’m just missin' you
You know what I’m saying, you know what I mean yeah

Every now and then when I’m all alone
I’ll be wishing you would call me on the telephone
Say you want me back but you never do
I feel like such a fool there’s nothin'I can do
I’m such a fool for you

I can’t take it what am I waiting for
My heart's still breakin' I miss you even more
And I can’t fake it the way I could before
I hate you, but I love you
I can’t stop thinkin of you
It’s true I’m stuck on you !

Kommentar: Ein Lied von Stacie Orrico. Kann mich gut damit identifizieren. das sind genau die Dinge, die ich dachte. Gott sei Dank trifft das, was im Text steht heute nicht mehr allzu sehr zu. Aber ganz falsch sein wird es nie.

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