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Outback and Open Water

Autor:  Doushite
Sooo.. da bin ich mal wieder nach langem..
I had a Awesome Time with Smart Group and all the ppl there.. but it was time to go, coz i coulnd make enough money to save, just enough to live..
Marta called me like two or three weeks bfore i wanted to quit and she asked if i want to go to darwin with her..
All right..i had the idea to work on that cruise boat in cairns, but darwin.. why not.. better going somewhere with a friend, aye..
so i quit Smart Group on the 7th May and went back to Sydney.. luckily, rob, salmahn & co. did the same XD
So i saved 40$ for a train, and could go back with the team van!
9th May Marta and me arrived in Darwin.
Marta found a couchsurfing host (free acc!!) close to the city.. very convinient, coz i was broke... i just came to darwin with 10$ in my wallet... not even coz i spend 6 bucks at subway at SYD domestic airport.... xD
anyway.. somehow, marta and me got these one day job at the uni on thursday. Cleaning some kitchens and toilets.
and also we got a weekend job at a rural show!!
quite awesome!
Marta was selling snow cones (XDDD) and i was with Rhonda(Canada) at the lotterie! Rhonda moved a week later to Albury..
Also we got to know,Richard(who didnt stay for long), Nicola and Darren(Ireland)!
We moved to another Host in Casuarina, Ben!
Hes is so funny!<3
He took us to Litchfield, with his friend Scotty and his brother Mitchell.
We Continued our jobsearch and we got nothing for quite a while...
Than i finally got a job at Dominos (like Pizza hut), delivering Pizza, but i had to wait 1 1/2 weeks for the training.
Marta and me moved on to another host, Zade, who we just helped to move his stuff and slept at his friends place on the couch xD
the day after we moved to Matty's place... he's working with the navi. so he said, as long as he works on the boat, we can take care ov his appartment for free.. we just had to feed his fish.. XD
his appartment was amazing !
so 3 nights after, zade asked us if we got space for another girl, he promised to host, but he obviously coulnt coz he moved..
Same day we went to a Jumping Crocodile cuise.
so Therese(Ireland) was staying with us as well. so we got to know her and her friend Jess(canada). Also Marta picked a Polish guy in the internet cafe. Bart.
Bart has a Sailing Boat! Bavaria. 49f.
And there was the oppertunity to come with him as a crew member...
Marta left to Cairns, so she coulnd come. But Therese and me r going.
Also Nicola went to cairns.
Salmahn, visited me here in darwin for two nights^^
Also Julian(Ireland) arrived here in Darwin. So she is coming on the boat as well.
Ben left to Asia for holidays, so im staying at his place to housesit.
Also there is a new girl in our little group we try to convince to come on the boat, Eva(dutch).
And we hope we can start go on the boat on saturday, so our journey goes to cairns!
i wont work at dominos.. but i will probably go back to Riverwood downs.
We'll see.. atm, im just excited to go on a boat...
from the dusty, dry and hot darwin, to the open waters, to cairns.
Its just gonna be awesome !!

Also.. thats the story so far...
Und nochwas,auf deutsch..

Ich danke nochmal allen fuer eure geduld mit mir.. mehr oder weniger..
da mein pc schrott ist, und ich leider nicht die zeit/das geld habe regelmaessig online zu kommen, kann ich mich niht so oft melden..
ausserdem hab ich hier einiges zutun.. zudem kann cih die nachsten 2-3 wochen garnicht on.. auf dem wasser ohne pc.. is klar xD'
Ich hab keinen von euch vergessen, und cih denke oefter an euch als ihr vll denkt, aber wenn ich mich zu oft melde bekomm ich wieder heimweh..
und das ist gerade jetzt in den letzten wochen schwer.. weil cih mich wahnsinnig auf zuhause freue!!

Noch ein ganz lieben dank an meine Mam, oli und Papa <3
Ihr muesst meine verzweifelten anrufe ertragen xD

So... ich meld mich so bald ich kann nochmal..
und wenn ich cmih nciht melde, seit mir nicht boese.. es ist eh nicht mehr lang, bis ich wieder da bin!
Love u all !!

C ya
Datum: 12.06.2011 02:00
...lass jetzt bloß nicht den kopf hängen so "kurz vor schluss";-)

und natürlich freu ich mich auch, wenn du mal wieder home sweet home bist, ... es stehen schließlich nochne menge nacht und nebel aktionen an ._." nicht das du denkst, nur weil du nicht da bist, fürn jahr, das die dann vergessen werden!!! so geht das schon mal nicht! xP

bis bald =)

wir stehen zusammen, wir fallen zusammen, bad boys für leben.

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