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Video: Pure Win Figure Photos: "Pole-Position" - the making of

Von: Roman_Pataki (Edi Edhutschek)
Datum: 24.04.2013, 05:44
Länge: 6:51 Minuten
Thema: Lucky Star (Anime/Manga)
Kategorie: Tutorials
Beschreibung: How do you like the new grid girl for the Yamaha MotorGP racing team!? I do not know about you, but if reality would be anything like this, I definitely would turn on my TV and watch every single race of those.

This time our subject is Izumi Konata from Lucky Star -- one of Ohki Kazes all-time favorite shows. And to make things even more appealing, I can pull together both, Lucky Star and Yamaha racing for you: Miku Hatsune did have a cameo appearance in the Lucky Star OVA in a "cosplay dream" of Kagamai -- and Miku is a product of Yamaha. There you go! You can watch the final picture together with some other shoots at: http://akibaferret.wordpress.com
The reason why we do this in English rather than our native language is simply that we guess, our main fan base and/or visitors to our site and our deviantART accounts are mostly native English speaking people or at least not German. So be a gent and do not mock because of the speech.

Until then, see you next time for another "Pure Win Figure Photo"

Edi Edhutschek


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