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Einzelposting: TakatoxHenry

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_75611/-1/10976931460447/

Von:   abgemeldet 13.10.2004 20:46
Betreff: TakatoxHenry [Antworten]
Oooch, nur so ^^ Ist mir grad so eingefallen XD Ney, weil ich ja stattdessen auch mal ne Takato/Jenrya hätte schreiben können ^^
So, are you coming or going? Or coming and then going? Or coming and staying?
Pop quiz, no talking. Here's your question. Multiple choice. Do you want to come home with me? A, yes. B, yes. Or C, yes. Tick tick tick! Time's up, pencils down. What do you say?

~* Brian Kinney (Queer as Folk)*~

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