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Einzelposting: Crisis Core

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_154853/-1/11727413345569/

Von:   abgemeldet 01.03.2007 10:41
Betreff: Crisis Core [Antworten]
Nachdem ich den Bericht "Hands On: Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core
We try out the first playable version straight from Japan."
von Anoop Gantayat (IGN.com)
--> http://psp.ign.com/articles/751/751423p1.html

gelesen, habe, denke ich das Crisis Core garnicht so schlecht sein wird. Denn die Tester (hier: hat er die CC-Demo getestet) auf IGN.com sind NICHT dafür bekannt die Spiele schön zu reden, sondern eher kritisch zu sein, aber trotzdem ist er guter Hoffnung.

Zitate aus dem Bericht :

"From a strictly gameplay standpoint, Crisis Core seems solid, with a fast pace and the potential for a good mix of action and menu-based battle systems. But my attention at Jump Festa was focused on something besides the gameplay.

Taken strictly on technical merits, Crisis Core is the most impressive PSP game I've ever played. In fact, with the PSP's small screen providing an assist, I'd go so far as to say that Crisis Core looks better than most PS2 games out there.

During cinematic scenes, the character models are detailed and fully animated. Battles contain screens with double digit enemies, and giant bosses. All that, and full voice, wihtout any pauses for loading!"

"Personally, I think all the "Compilation of Final Fantasy VII" products released so far have been second rate. But Crisis Core looks so good that it could turn things around on its own. It all depends, of course, on how compelling a game Square Enix manages to put together in the end. They've waited this long, so let's hope they don't rush things and end up giving us a game worthy of the FFVII name."

Das fließende Kampfsystem ähnelt Kingdom Hearts, was ich sehr passend finde, da alles rasanter abläuft, besser ein veraltertes Kampftmodus á la FFX.

Ich hoff bei und kommt auch ne Demo oder so raus, damit man sich persöhnlich ein besseres Bild machen kann. Aber im großen und ganzen bin ich auch guter Hoffung :)
Life´s no fun without a good scare !

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