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Thread: Potter ist tot

Eröffnet am: 15.08.2005 19:31
Letzte Reaktion: 16.08.2005 15:10
Beiträge: 7
Status: Offen
- Labern
- Harry Potter

Verfasser Betreff Datum
Seite 1
Potter ist tot 15.08.2005, 19:31
Potter ist tot 15.08.2005, 22:26
Potter ist tot 15.08.2005, 22:51
Potter ist tot 15.08.2005, 22:58
 Luna_22 Potter ist tot 16.08.2005, 00:22
 SailorSirius Potter ist tot 16.08.2005, 01:05
 Julie Potter ist tot 16.08.2005, 15:10
Seite 1

Von:   abgemeldet 15.08.2005 19:31
Betreff: Potter ist tot [Antworten]
To; Lord-Inquisitor Von Grimm, Ordo Hereticus
From; Inquisitor Bigotin, Ordo Hereticus
Subject; Inquisitorial Purge BD-4992 "The Hogwarts Purge"
Transmitted; Inquisitorial Fortress, Bethor VIII
Transmitter; Astropath Ginla
Receiver; Astropath Wulesh

Salutations Lord!
I am pleased to report that the heretical witch-coven, the sect known as
"Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft" has been eliminated, and every member of this vile cult has been cleansed with fire and sword.
Accompanied by five squads of veteran Inquisitorial Stormtroopers, two-hundred local militia, a dozen arco-flagellants, two Penitent Engines, and three squads drawn from the Order of the Holy Nimbus, we began our assault upon the fortress of the enemy at dawn's first light. Although the castle was hidden from normal sight by a myriad of hexes and foul enchantments, these wards were easily bypassed thanks to the psyk-out strike launched by the Persecution, and we were able to begin the assault.
We stormed the grounds, suffering only minor casualties from various
self-defence spell-traps that the enemy had placed within the grounds. These traps were disposed of quickly by my cadre of sanctioned psykers, and we able to press on. We were soon accosted by a heavily-haired mutant of exceptional height and bulk (see pict attachments 00-03) upon approaching the castle's main portcullis. He was accompanied by a variety of abominable creatures (pict attachments 04-16), gruesome beasts which looked like twisted parodies of ancient creatures of legend- such beasts included a disturbing horse/eagle hybrid and assorted
scorpion/crab-like creatures, each one the size of a small landcar, amongst others. The large mutant challenged us in an accent I did not recognise, but no doubt it was speaking in some daemonic tongue. I ordered the attack. The
creatures of the mutant beastmaster took a heavy toll on the local militia and my Stormtroopers, but our numbers and weaponry were superior, and the Sisters of the Holy Nimbus swiftly brought down the creatures with bolter, melta and flamer fire. The giant mutant beastmaster possessed incredible strength and endurance, and managed to inflict crippling damage on one of the Penitent Engines and kill and seriously wound twenty-three militia, Sisters and Stormtroopers before it was brought down by the holy rage of the arco-flagellants (three of which
perished due to lethal combat stimm overdose- in death, they have been granted His Forgiveness).
We consolidated our position and set up a strong foothold whilst our chirurgeons and Sisters Hospitaller provided healing for the wounded and mercy for the dying.
To the south, I glimpsed an oval structure that appeared to resemble a standard Imperial amphitheatre or coliseum (pict attachments 17-20). Six tall poles,
topped with huge hoops, were situated on this "pitch", three at each end. I
theorised that the cult held some form of diabolical rituals or ceremonies
there, and that the hoops were utilised in these.
No sooner had our wounded been comforted and aided by our medical staff, the witches of the Hogwarts School appeared. I was at first shocked at the average age of our foe; the youngest seemed to be ten years of standard, the oldest no more than seventeen. They were led by five older psykers (see accompanying pict-files 21-25), and they outnumbered us nearly two to one. At first, I
foolishly thought that fighting children would be no challenge, but I chastised myself, remembering that each of these younglings was an illegal psyker, taught by their council of the older rogue psykers.
The eldest of the rogue psykers (pict 21), whom I presumed to be the leader, stepped forward, and I saw the malevolence and hatred in his eyes that spoke of a man driven insane by the daemonic power which he wielded. He personally addressed me, giving his name as Albus Dumbledore, but I did not wish to bandy words with a heretic and a witch, so before he could speak any further and
bewitch me, I disposed of him with my stake crossbow and gave the order for my force to attack.
Pandemonium erupted immediately. The younger psykers were herded back into the
castle by two of the "teachers"; a wrinkled midget (pict/subject 24) and a
portly woman bedecked with scraps of local flora (pict/subject 25). The older children retaliated, led by the other two psykers, a crone-faced woman
(pict/subject 22) and a cadaverous man with long black greasy hair (pict/subject 23).
The psykers launched a variety of psychic attacks that killed and/or otherwise incapicitated my warriors. I saw some terrible things. Two Stormtroopers
stumbled and fell to the ground, as if their limbs had ceased to function.
Sister-Palatine Lucresia was transmuted in a second from a proud warrior of the Adepta Sororitas to a pewter goblet. Local militia either burst into laughter so violent that their blood vessels burst, or were inflated like carnival balloons.
Arco-flagellants slipped and collapsed as the ground beneath them was turned to ice. I remained unscathed, thanks to the protection offered by my hexagrammic wards and my accompanying sanctioned and penitent psykers.
I rallied my troops and pressed the attack. Many of the child psykers were slain by the accurate firepower of my Stormtroopers and the Sisters, and they fled in craven dissarray, only to be picked off at the leisure of my warriors and I.
Subject 23 was bisected by Sister Superior Paminda's eviscerator, whilst Subject 22 met the Emperor's Judgement at the claws of the Penitent Engine.
We advanced into the castle, gunning down resistance where we found it. Subjects 24 and 25 were killed as they defended the younger heretics, many of whom surrendered after the deaths of their "teachers". I tasked Stormtrooper Lieutenant Virone with prisoner detail, and he and his squad set about dealing with the captured children, taking them to the evac zone and transferring them to the null-cells aboard the Persecution, where they would await interrogation and execution.
We finally came across the last point of resistance in the great hall of the
castle, a room so seeped in obscene witchery that I permitted only the Sisters and my personal staff to accompany me inside- I could not risk the corruption of the Stormtroopers.
At the end of the hall stood four figures (picts 26-29), all of them young
psykers. Three of the psykers were male, and one was female. They began a last-ditch defence, but their efforts were in vain. The blonde, arrogant-looking male (pict/subject 27) was reduced to ashes by my gun-servitor's plasma cannon, and the freckled, red-haired male (pict/subject 2 took a trio of bolter shots to the chest. The female, a young girl with long, curly brown hair (pict/subject 26) surrendered to us, and I immediately placed an inhibitor upon her (I have since transferred Subject 26 to my own staff, where she now serves as a penitent psyker). The final male, a boy with thick black hair, spectacles, and a curious scar on his forehead (pict/subject 29) was monstrously powerful for one so young, and claimed the lives of four Sisters, my two gun-servitors, and Interrogator Delaun before he was stopped. As Interrogator Tesze held him in the jaws of her mancatcher, I prepared my power stake for the killing strike. Subject 29 looked at me frantically and cried out; "You idiot muggle! If you kill me, Voldemort will return!"
I presumed that "muggle" was some sort of profane cult slang. I had no idea who "Voldemort" was/is, but I assume that the witch's babble was a desperate and useless plea to prevent me from dispensing justice. I paid his rambling no heed, and impaled his heart with my sacred power stake.
Our mission a success, we ransacked the castle for any heretical items that would need to be immediately destroyed to prevent them from corrupting the servants of the Emperor any longer. We found all manner of wands, ingredients, spellbooks and scrolls, and curious orb-shaped relics (picts 30-32; note the curious wings that adorn the tiny golden ball in pict 32). All was put to the
cleansing flame.
Upon our return to the Persecution, I gave the order for Captain Yevonce to begin the orbital bombardment of the castle, completely obliterating the vile structure. As we made warp transition to Bethor VIII, I and my staff began the interrogation of the young witches.
My apologies for the lack of transcripts at this current moment, but I regret to announce that both my scribe-skull and auto-savant are both out of ink and parchment, and Interrogator Tesze has been forced to transcribe the
interrogations from the various vox-thief recordings. The transcripts will be with you shortly, my Lord.
The stain of the Hogwarts coven has been wiped from the Emperor's glorious realm.

Your Servant,
Inquisitor Predujis Bigotin


Ein leider nicht ganz ernst zunehmender Text von Warhammer 40k-Spieler aus dem GT-Forum
"Death And Violence Is Better Than Peace And Love."

Dieser Tag hat unser beider Leben verändert - meines hat es bereichert, deines hat es beendet

Von:   abgemeldet 15.08.2005 22:26
Betreff: Potter ist tot [Antworten]
Und äh...DAS ist so großartig, dass es glatt einen neuen Thread verdient?
"A little nonsense now and then, is cherished by the wisest men."
~ Willy Wonka
from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory♡

Von:   abgemeldet 15.08.2005 22:51
Betreff: Potter ist tot [Antworten]
Da ich nichts gefunden hab, was gegen Potter ist, denke ich ja.
Aber für diesen Text braucht man ein ganz klein bisschen Hintergrundwissen über die Welt von Warhammer 40.000 und auch eine gewisse Abneigung gegenüber Potter, die ich besitze...

"Death And Violence Is Better Than Peace And Love."

Dieser Tag hat unser beider Leben verändert - meines hat es bereichert, deines hat es beendet
Zuletzt geändert: 15.08.2005 22:51:53

Von:   abgemeldet 15.08.2005 22:58
Betreff: Potter ist tot [Antworten]
Ich schätze mal, da ich weder das eine noch das andere besitze...|3
Aber wie hast du dir das eigentlich gedacht? Dass hier über den Artikel diskutiert oder einfach allgemein der Abneigung gegen Potter kundgetan wird? Gar beides? Solche Anti-Threads gibt es in Hülle und Fülle.
"A little nonsense now and then, is cherished by the wisest men."
~ Willy Wonka
from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory♡

Von:    Luna_22 16.08.2005 00:22
Betreff: Potter ist tot [Antworten]

Vielleicht hättest du dir noch die Mühe machen können,denn Text selber noch einmal kurz zu erläutern,wenn du schon eine Diskussion haben willst.
So etwas liest sich doch kaum jemand durch.


Von:    SailorSirius 16.08.2005 01:05
Betreff: Potter ist tot [Antworten]
Ich mag Harry Potter, hab so'n büsschen Halbwissen (Halbwissen ist zuviel gesagt *g*) über Inquisitor (Schatzü sagt, das is nämlich gar nich Warhammer, sondern Inquisitor, der hat da mehr Ahnung als ich, deshalb glaub ich ihm das mal ^^) und hab den Text mit verhältnismäßig viel Amüsement gelesen.
Man muss etwas nicht nicht mögen um drüber lachen zu können ;)

Edit: Im Übrigen muss auch eine Satire nicht unbedingt negativ gemeint sein, ihr Lieben, sondern kann auch einfach nur unterhaltsam sein.
Ich bin zu sexy für meine Seife.

*** http://animexx.4players.de/doujinshi/anzeige.phtml?id=8041 ***
*** Die Ringparabel ***

Zuletzt geändert: 16.08.2005 01:06:49

Von:    Julie 16.08.2005 15:10
Betreff: Potter ist tot [Antworten]
LOL, ist schon ganz witzig das Ding...

Leider passt es nicht so ganz, dass Draco an der Seite von Harry, Ron und Hermione kämpft. Ich denke, wenn man etwas verarschen will, sollte man sich schon über das Fandom informieren, dass man auf die Schippe nehmen will *g*

Wenn der Rote Löwe und der Grüne Drache in Vollkommenheit miteinander vereint sind, dann ist das Tor zur Ewigkeit geöffnet.

Amicus Draconis - 2nd Cycle: Cycle of the Snake:
