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Einzelposting: Eure TOP 10 des Monats, all included

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_104874/-1/11197990767134/

Von:   abgemeldet 26.06.2005 17:23
Betreff: Eure TOP 10 des Monats, all included [Antworten]
Okay, los gehts (die Lieder ändern sich bei mir allerdings auch eher im Wochentakt)

- Demons & Wizards - "The Gunslinger"
- Bruce Dickinson - "Abduction"
- Aerosmith - "Hole in my Soul"
- Wednesday 13 - "God is a Lie"
- Guns'n'Roses - "Don't damn me"
- Saxon - "Do it all fopr you"
- Immortal - "Darkness that embrace me"
- Queen - "Bohemian Rhapsody"
- Tolkien Ensemble - "There is an Inn..."
- Jon Oliva's Pain - "Guardian of Forever"
"And somedays I pray for silence,and somedays I pray for soul
Somedays I just pray for the god of Sex and Drugs and Rock'n'Roll"
(Meat Loaf 1994)

Zuletzt geändert: 27.06.2005 16:43:12

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