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Thread: "Webler" Episode 11: "Bombenstimmung in Kassel"

Eröffnet am: 08.01.2013 19:01
Letzte Reaktion: 08.01.2013 19:01
Beiträge: 0
Status: Offen
- Video

Von: Roman_Pataki (Edi Edhutschek)
Datum: 08.01.2013, 19:01
Länge: 10:18 Minuten
Thema: Connichi
Kategorie: Fanfilme/-serien
Beschreibung: Alright boys and girls -- we are close to the very end! Kiwara suddenly disappeared and didn't return from Galacon in Stuttgart. His buddy Strohmann was sent search for the missing inspector. In Kassel, at this year's Connichi the chase for the Webler takes an unexpected turning. What happened to Inspector Kiwara and who is this strange woman?

Figure it out by watching the two-parted, mega cliffhanger, super cinematic, final episode of our little web series. Will the Webler ever be caught!?

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