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Einzelposting: Fehlende Charaktere vorschlagen/reklamieren

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_264671/-1/15399563096939/

Von:    Naoki_Ichigo 19.10.2018 15:38
Betreff: Fehlende Charaktere vorschlagen/reklamie... [Antworten]
Ich würde gerne ein paar Charaktere bei The King's Avatar ergänzt haben. (Leider gibt es nicht zu jedem einen Wiki-Eintrag, aber ich hoffe, dass die Links/Angaben trotzdem ausreichen.)

The King's Avatar:

- Blue River / Lan He (http://the-kings-avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Xu_Boyuan unter Account(s))
- One Autumn Leaf / Yi Ye Zhi Qiu (http://the-kings-avatar.wikia.com/wiki/God-Level_Account)
- Dancing Rain / Mu Yu Cheng Feng (http://the-kings-avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Su_Mucheng unter Account(s))
- Lord Grim / Jun Mo Xiao (http://the-kings-avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Ye_Xiu unter Account(s))
- Cloud Piercer / Yi Qiang Chuan Yun (http://the-kings-avatar.wikia.com/wiki/God-Level_Account)
- Vaccaria / Wang Bu Liu Xing (http://the-kings-avatar.wikia.com/wiki/God-Level_Account)
- Windy Rain / Feng Cheng Yanyu (http://the-kings-avatar.wikia.com/wiki/All-Star_Account)
- Immovable Rock / Shi Bu Zhuan (http://the-kings-avatar.wikia.com/wiki/God-Level_Account)
- Swoksaar / Suo Ke Sa Er (http://the-kings-avatar.wikia.com/wiki/God-Level_Account)
- Troubling Rain / Ye Yu Sheng Fan (http://the-kings-avatar.wikia.com/wiki/God-Level_Account)
- Desert Dust /Damo Gu Yan (http://the-kings-avatar.wikia.com/wiki/God-Level_Account)
- Cleansing Mist /Feng Shu Yan Mu (http://the-kings-avatar.wikia.com/wiki/All-Star_Account)
- Autumn Tree / Qiu Mu Su (http://the-kings-avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Su_Muqiu unter Account(s))
- Seven Fields (http://the-kings-avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Seven_Fields)

- Chen Yehui (http://the-kings-avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Chen_Yehui)
- Tao Xuan (http://the-kings-avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Tao_Xuan)
- Ye Qiu (http://the-kings-avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Ye_Qiu)
- Wu Xuefeng (http://the-kings-avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Wu_Xuefeng)
- Pan Lin (Erscheint namentlich zum ersten Mal in Kaitel 90: „“Ha ha ha…..” The commentator laughed. Actually, to be a professional Glory commentator, Pan Lin had already done this for several years.” https://www.webnovel.com/book/7176992105000305/7247179705980000/The-King's-Avatar/The-Footprints-are-a-Trap)
- Li Yibo (Erscheint zum ersten Mal in Kpaitel 88: “ A title appeared on the broadcast. The commentator spurred the mood by shouting as if he were wailing like ghosts and howling like wolves, while introducing today’s honored guest: Li Yibo.” https://www.webnovel.com/book/7176992105000305/19453999960294143/The-King's-Avatar/Glory-League und ist unter “Retired” bei Tema Tyranny gelistet http://the-kings-avatar.wikia.com/wiki/Tyranny))
- Chang Xian (Team Reporter von Team Happy zu dem es keinen Wiki Eintrag gibt: “Cao Guangcheng sat in the middle of the bus. He was wondering about what was up with Ye Qiu too. That kid Chang Xian had been following along Team Happy the entire time. Maybe he knew something?“ https://www.webnovel.com/book/7176992105000305/26755569989779163/The-King's-Avatar/Team-Reporter)

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