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The Sheep and the Hedgehog



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Plans and Surprises

Plans and Surprises

Hunger. That was the best word to describe what happened during the following hours, the way Bulma and Vegeta had thrown themselves at each other, as if they had only been waiting for a green light. Frustrations, self-pressures and existential emptiness were sent out the window along with the rest of the world, waiting for the moment when they both would come back to reality. However although none of them thought consciously about these things, they never were forgotten entirely. They were still there, infiltrating every kiss, every brush of their sculpted bodies, and every time sharing their delusional peace.

Vegeta, as expected, was initially rough, to not say deaf to Bulma´s warnings and suggestions, and there was a moment when she actually became scared of him. Seeing that, he toned down a little and even condescended to follow some of her instructions. That confirmed Bulma´s suspicion that Vegeta was afraid of hurting her gravely - not that he cared, of course, but because of the possible consequences. In the end, it had paid off; he almost having broken her arm, back on that day when she rescued him from the gravity room.

The first time didn´t last very long and didn´t satisfy either of them. Incredibly, though, they didn´t share more than a few short criticisms before trying again. It was nonsensical to waste time with the long, usual arguments, when they could just improve whatever had been good and fix whatever hadn´t worked. The first thing Vegeta realized was that he had to control his force even more than he was already doing, in order to keep his sex partner and source of equipment alive. The first round had already produced a few bruises on her.

The hours turned into minutes, which were then reduced to mere seconds; the only difference between day and night was the need to turn the lights on, since the dark would spoil part of the fun. Neither Bulma nor Vegeta ever knew when sleep finally won; both practically passed out, their minds completely clean from dreams or thoughts. And, undoubtedly, it was the best sleep they both had in months.

When Bulma finally rose exhaustedly from the blankets, she noticed in shock that it was almost 11 A.M of the next day. The other side of the bed was empty and cold. Although that was somewhat expected, she felt her heart sink a little. What did she expect, the woman admonished herself. That Vegeta would watch her sleeping until she woke up, or that he would wake her with a kiss? She had taken so long admitting to herself her true feelings for him because she couldn´t expect any love from that man!

But maybe that could be changed throughout the next months.

Spirited up by the optimistic thought, she dressed in her robe and slippers. Vegeta lusted for her. A man like him certainly wouldn´t be satisfied only with one night - especially with a woman like Bulma Briefs! Besides, he still needed her help to become more powerful, so he still would have to stay for a long time at her house. Time enough, perhaps, for taming him little by little. That would certainly make her friends gape in astonishment. They always belittled her, but now they would see.

Picking up and turning on a small radio that she found at the bedside table, Bulma slid it in the large pocket of her robe. That would keep her company as she fixed her brunch. The song sung by Tina Turner sounded a little pessimistic for her plans, but the rhythm was pleasant. Besides, Bulma was too consumed in her thoughts to pay attention to the lyrics as she crossed the living room.

“What love´s got to do, got to do with this?" she sang along. “What´s love, but a second hand emotion? Who needs a heart when a heart can be brok...WAAHHH!!!" screaming at the surprise of her foot connecting to something soft, she lost her balance and fell over a body stretched on the carpet.

"You blind bitch!" screamed a voice beneath her, before two hands pushed her body brutally to the side, making her thud softly on the carpet. "Can´t you look where you’re walking?"

"You had nothing to lie on the carpet and you’re right in my way! Do you like playing dead this early in the morning?" Bulma lectured as she stood up painfully.

Vegeta stood up, too. He was dressed with fresh, clean battle clothes, obviously taken from the luggage Bulma had instructed him to bring.

"I was doing push-ups, although that´s not of your business. And it´s not early. It´s almost two hours since I´ve woken up," he snapped, his disdainful tone making clear what Vegeta thought about late-sleepers.

"Only two hours?" Bulma sneered. She counted on her fingers. "Then you got up at 8:00 today, instead of 5:00, as you always do. Wow! I knew I was an amazing woman, but not enough to wear out a Saiyan so much!"

It was too bad that Vegeta´s outfit covered his entire body, leaving only his head exposed. Bulma was almost sure that the reddeness on his face had spread from head to toe. Still laughing, she walked past the very disturbed prince as he sputtered something about 'vulgarity' and 'pretension'.

"Well, I hope you have left something in the fridge," she said, some laughter still in her voice. "Pity it´s too late, it would have been lovely to have eaten our breakfast in bed. But we can make it up at lunch.”

"I´m not going to eat lunch with you."

Bulma stopped on her way to the kitchen and slowly turned around. Yeah, this had been really too good to be true.

"Sorry, I forgot you have to train," she said slowly and sarcastically, without even bothering to hide her disappointment. "I don´t know why you´re still here wasting your time talking to me, since the androids are almost at our door."

"You´re not only stupid, you´re childish, too. Do you never think?" Vegeta lectured. “If I´ll stay out too long, your people might associate my absence with yours, and they have big mouths. I don´t want Kakarott and the other idiots discussing MY private business - and, by the look in your face, I presume you don´t want that too," he concluded, smirking at the two rosy spots that appeared on Bulma´s cheeks.

She never had cared much about what others could say about her. However, things were changing ultimately. She was preparing herself to take her father´s place as the head of Capsule Corp. That wouldn´t work if she lacked the respect of their employees, shareholders and investors, what certainly would happen if her love affair with the 'mysterious guest of the Briefs' spreaded throughout the entire company. More importantly, how would her friends react if they discovered that she had slept with the man that had killed a few of them and tried to destroy the Earth? Waves of revolt run through her. Damn it, that was no one´s business! They never actually paid her much attention, except when it was necessary to fix something; so, what say did any of them have in her private life? On the other hand, she wasn´t sure which road her relationship with Vegeta could take. Should she jeopardize losing all her bonds of friendship for something that could last just a few months or even a few days?

"Or even forever," a secret voice whispered in her mind.

"Maybe you’re right," she mumbled reluctantly as Vegeta walked past her toward the exit door. "At least by now is better we keep it secret. But why did you wait all this time for me to wake up? Just to tell me these things?"

Vegeta opened the door and looked upon his shoulder with a very unpleasant smirk.

"Because," he said very slowly, as if measuring each word. “When I´ll come back tonight I want to find this house right here. Or someone will regret it a lot." with that, he stepped out. Not before noticing that his words had made her jaw drop in awe.

When Bulma finally reacted out of her stupor and ran out of the house, he had disappeared into the sky. Walking away from the house, the young woman stopped to look up at the bright sky, as blue as the uniforms she had made a few days ago. It looked felt like months now. A gentle breeze played with her robe, making it brush against her bare skin and refreshing the heat caused by the sun of almost mid-day.

What had she gotten into this time?

"Well, if he thinks I´m going to be stuck here all day like a whore at his disposal, he’s got another thing coming " she said, but a smile belied the sharpness of her words. (Or she could say, he’s full of it.) Pulling the robe closer around her body, she turned around and strolled back to the house. “If I´m not mistaken," she said to herself "they built a new mall at the East City..."

That same night, when Vegeta came back to the capsule house he found Bulma waiting for him with Chinese food, a see-through lace nightgown and a pile of safe sex stuff and very instructive books.

"So?" Vegeta asked many hours later, when he felt able to speak again. "Didn´t I tell you that you´d regret a lot if you left?"

The truth was that he would have regretted a lot if he decided not to come back. Vegeta had doubted seriously that the small house would be still in that camp when he returned. And he certainly hadn’t expected such a welcoming reception. Absently, the prince flipped though one of the illustrated books, stopping to study one of the colorful photographs. Hmm, sometimes Earthlings were full of surprises!

"Maybe you´re right," Bulma sighed blissfully as she brushed her face on his shoulder. "By the way, I didn´t know that you could read Earth writing."

"I had to learn, in order to pilot the ship your father has built," Vegeta explained grudgingly. "While you entertained the Namekian clowns, I was deciphering the computer."

"So that was why we almost never saw you during that year! I thought that you spent the whole time training in the desert." Bulma laughed, although she felt slightly disappointed. One of the things she was counting on to get closer to Vegeta was to convince him he needed to learn Earth writing, and, naturally, she would offer herself then to teach him. But that was all right, she had other cards up her sleeve. Besides, Bulma couldn´t help but admiring once again how much intelligent he actually was.

"It must have been very difficult," she commented.

"Humph. Not a bit. Earth computer are nothing but child toys. Besides, your father gave an option to choose between Earth and Saiyan languages, although I have no idea how he learned our writing."

"Probably he used the computer of the ship that brought Goku to Earth. That was the material Daddy used to build the ship. Well, its better like this. That way, you´re not going to embarrass us when we´ll take a walk on the shopping together, tomorrow."

"Take a walk in the mall? Where did you get such nonsense from?" Vegeta leaned on one elbow to stare at her as if she was crazy.

"I´m not going to bore myself here while you have your fun at the Gravity Chamber.” Bulma said as she pulled the sheet to cover her bare chest, in a defensive manner. “After all, the idea of this trip was mine. I thought we could just forget our tasks for a while and just hang around somewhere..."

"Forget it," Vegeta cut her off. "I`m not going to walk among the Earthlings, or do whatever you and that silly boyfriend of yours used to do.” In order to emphasize his words, he laid a hand on Bulma´s shoulder and pulled her forward, forcing her to look at him in the eyes. "Am I clear?"

She glared back at him in response.

"Am I clear?" Vegeta insisted.

The air between their eyes was so tense that they almost could see sparks. Vegeta couldn´t help finding her resistance exciting, but she had to learn who was in charge there. Finally, Bulma seemed to give in.

"Very clear." Slowly, her pursed lips relaxed in a seductive smile. “Now, if you´ll take your fingers from my shoulder..." Vegeta obeyed, and she opened her mouth in a large, fake yawn "...I´m going to sleep. I´m very tired." With that, the young woman covered herself and turned to the side, leaving the prince horny and frustrated.

Vegeta opened his mouth, but his pride gave him a strong pinch. There was no way he was going to make her think that she could manipulate him like that. He had spent too many years without having any women around. The next morning, he woke up as early as he could, dressed and flied flew away before Bulma would wake up, too. For one week or two, he would be far from her, until the woman came after him crying and moaning because of his abandonment. And he would just smirk and say he had already paid for the clothes Bulma had made for him. If she wanted a continuation, then, well, there would be a price. Vegeta couldn´t wait to see the look in on her face!

Nobody noticed when Vegeta landed at the Capsule Corp yard, since Bulma´s parents were sleeping and it was too early for the employees coming to work. He spent practically the entire day confined to the Gravity Room, leaving just for a quick meal at the middle of the afternoon. He no longer joined the Briefs at table, preferring to eat after their meals. That was part of his policy to keep as little contact as possible with the Earthlings, with only a blue-haired exception. However, when night came, his stomach was protesting too much to let him concentrate. Besides, Vegeta had casually overheard the blonde commenting in the hallway that she would cook a dish that he enjoyed for dinner. Now, the delicious smell coming from the kitchen entered his sensitive nostrils and increased his discomfort. It seemed on purpose! Well, maybe this time it would be worth it to put up with that annoying, silly woman.

Or maybe not, he thought a few moments later as he cringed at the blonde´s usual greeting squeals.

"Vegeta! I´m so happy you´re dining with us again!" Mrs. Briefs cooed. "And what a coincidence, right when Bulma came back to us, too. Isn´t that wonderful? I know you missed her a lot."

From the other side of the table, Bulma didn´t even look up from her plate. It was clear that she was deliberately ignoring him.

"Like a bellyache,” Vegeta mumbled as he took a seat and waited for Mrs. Briefs while she was getting him a plate. He wasn´t surprised at Bulma´s return home; actually, if she had done that instead of keep waiting for him in the middle of nowhere, it showed she had some self-respect. "I was wondering when she would stop being lazy and come back to work," he added teasingly.

Bulma´s eyes sparkled and she finally looked up to glare at him, her mouth opened to reply. But when she saw his smirk, she just opened her mouth and looked at her food.

"Well,” Dr Briefs started as if he felt the tension between the two. "It´s really amazing. There´s too much work to do that I couldn´t handle without Bulma´s aid. I always get a little worried when she has to go out on these missions to help save Earth."

"Missions?" Vegeta sneered, raising one amused eye from the food. Now the hanky-panky had another name.

"Yes. Didn´t you know?" Mrs. Briefs explained. "Bulma and Goku had to go after that horrible Doctor Gero! Y´know, I don´t understand why some people have to threaten our beautiful planet, instead of living in peace..."

Vegeta´s hand stopped in mid air, crushing the fork half-way of to his mouth. The head of the fork fell on the table with a clatter, spilling bits of the food it carried. With a snarl, he glared at the young woman seated at the other side of the table. She looked as shocked as him by her mother´s words, her face as white as the tiles of the kitchen; to Vegeta´s heated mind, however, that seemed a guilty look.

Bulma struggled desperately to speak, just to discover, like in a nightmare, that her voice was stuck in her throat. Vegeta´s murderous look had apparently some power over her vocal cords. Jumping to his feed, the chair stumbling backwards, he raised his hand. Squealing in panic, Bulma backed away and raised her hands to cover her face. Too many times she had already experienced that feeling of living her last few seconds of life. But all those times she had somehow escaped from death; now this was for real and she would be dead for good. She already could see the blinding light that would disintegrate everything around, reducing the entire Capsule Corp to a smoking crater.

She heard a crash and her parents screaming in fear, but no light came through her closed eyelids. Instead, she felt something clammy spreading on her skin and a slight pain in her neck, like small needles.

"Didn´t I tell you to stay out of this or I would kill you? Did you think I was kidding?" Vegeta´s voice roared.

Bulma opened her eyes. Both her face and new dress had food splattered all over by something that seemed like bean paste (I´m not sure about how they call that Japanese plate with smashed beans). The table lay on the floor in two pieces, broken not by ki, but obviously by Vegeta´s fist. Food, pieces of wood, glass and china lied scattered on the floor along with people´s clothes. Like a stone statue, Vegeta stood out in the scene, his fists still threateningly closed. However, after seeing she was still alive, Bulma felt her fear leaving her as if by magic. Recovering the control of her legs and throat, she stood up, her finger pointed at him.

"This is nothing like what you´re thinking it is! I never was anywhere close to Gero. I don´t know why my mother has invented this stupid story."

In spite of her confusion, Mrs. Briefs frowned.

"I didn´t invent anything, young lady. Krillin told me that you and Goku had to stop this Doctor Gero guy," she said in a hurt tone. " You didn´t tell us to keep it secret, so I just took it for granted that Vegeta knew that."

"Krillin was here?" Bulma chorused, her mouth opened enough to give passage for a watermelon to enter. Vegeta stared at her in disgust, as if she was a sort of rotten, stinking roadkill.

"So it’s like that..." he spoke slowly, his voice low and raspy with hatred. "I was wrong,you´re just like Kakarot and the rest of the hypocritical little saints. Just like Gohan, when he hid my dragonball back in Namek, and then got together with the baldy to make their wish on my back, after I helped them! You say you´re good and love preaching moral lessons for people like me, but you backstab just like we do! At least I don´t conceal my viciousness." With that, he left, under the eyes of the very astonished Briefs.

" C… can anyone please tell me what happened?" sputtered the poor doctor as he tried to calm his cat down, even though he was trembling, too. None of the two women paid him attention. Bulma glared at her mother, tears welling in her eyes.

"Why did you do this to me?" she asked, her voice shivering. "He was beginning to trust me.. now everything may be lost! WHY DO YOU ALWAYS SHOOT YOUR MOUTH OFF WHEN YOU SHOULDN´T?!"


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