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Saint Seiya

The Fox Cloth


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One day when he was hunting in the forest, Kitsune noticed a strange

animal rushing through the woods with a speed far beyond anything he

has ever seen in his life. Even though Kitsune was a ninja-master he

had trouble keeping up with the mysterious creature. But what really

surprised him wasn't its unbelievalbe speed, but its shape. Even

though he only managed to catch a small glimpse, it was enough to make

him want to catch up with that animal at any cost. "I must be

dreaming! Does this fox really have three tails?", he thought to

himself. Since Kitsune knew the forrest like his backpocket, it wasn't

worrying him one bit that the fox creature was luring him deeper and

deeper into it. But as he proceeded to run after the fox, he couldn't

help the feeling that he had never been to this corner of the forest.

"Strange... I thought I have allready been everywhere in this maze...

Doesn't matter! I have to get this thing!", he muttered. The fox

darted sideways from time to time, trying to get rid of his pursuer.

"Ha! It will take more than that to get away from me even one bit!",

Kitsune shouted at the fox, while his curiousity drove him to chase

after his prey even faster. But suddenly the animal jumped on a flat

rock and stopped. It turned around and slowly sat down. Without any

trace of worry, the fox quietly looked down upon Kitsune, who allmost

had caught up with it. "Ha! No more power to keep up that speed,

Kitsune laughed. Now you are mine for sure!", he cried out exultetly.

He had almost reached the fox, grabbing the fishing net he carried

with him, when he suddenly felt very exhausted. His strength seemed to

get weaker with every step he made. "Why am I so tired When I was

barely beginning to warm up!", Kitsune asked himself. "I...I'll

get... you...!", he panted. He now was so tired that he couldn't make

another step forward. He stopped and leaned forward to catch his

breath. He was still trying to regain his strength, when he felt a

cold shadow engulfing him. Even though he had never been frightened of

anything before, his body was trembling with fear. "What's happening

to me There's no need to be frightened. What is this Why am I

feeling so cold?"

His eyes widened as he understood. He erected and pointed at the fox

creature. "You! What have you done with me?!" The fox didn't answer

but it appeared to be smiling. All of a sudden Kitsune's right arm

moved by itself and reached for his sword. His blood was rushing

through his veins as he felt a burning desire. He found himself

struggling with his body, preventing it from drawing his own sword

against him. After he had gotten back control over his limbs, he only

just had enough time to dodge a huge fireball that was aiming at him.

Feeling his strength dwindling, he saw another fireball flying in his

direction. He took all that was left of his powers, and jumped....

Time seemed to stand still. Then, after what seemed to him like an

eternity, he fell on the ground -with his head first. Blood was

gushing out of his temple and forehead. He laid in the grass, unable

to move. Everything was absolutely calm and quiet, until he heard

something that sounded like a campfire... He tried to look up. But

through his blood-blurred sight he only saw the shape of something

very big and glowing heading his way. I'm finished he thought and

closed his eyes again. Suddenly he remembered that he still had some

gunpowder left in his pocket. He grabbed the bag of his chest and with

his very last ounce of strength he threw his arm forward and opened

his hand...

The shockwave of the explosion let Kitsune fly through the air like a

paper kite. He didn't know how long he's been in the air. The last

thing he saw was a rock flying towards him with incredible speed...

Then darkness engulfed him.

A ray of sunlight shining in his face, woke him up finally. He

immediately opened his eyes, jumped on his feet and nervously looked

around for danger. Fortunately for him there was none as he fell back

on his knees at once. He held his head. It felt like a big hurting

lump of flesh. He tried to reconstruct what had happened. Finally it

came back to him. The last thing he remembered was that he had been

attacked by huge fireballs. One even exploded rigtht in front of him.

He looked at his hand but the wounds on his forhead and temple had

already begun to heal.

His thoughts were interrupted harshly when suddenly someone was

calling his name: "KI-TSU-NE... Kitsune, look up!" He did as he was

told, and there it was, the reason why he had been rushing through the

woods like crazy. Right in front of him the mysterious three-tailed

fox stood on a rock and looked down upon him with gentle eyes. The

fox's body emitted a red light that was flickering like fire. "I'm the

guardian-spirit of this forest. I have been waiting a very long time

for someone like you.You have passed all the tests and proven yourself

worthy of receiving the holy armor of the three-tailed fox. Now stand

up and accept my gift..." As he spoke these words the fox's shape

shifted. It slowly became metallic and got stiff edges. Suddenly a

mysterious force lifted Kitsunes body letting it hover high above the


The fox's body was breaking into pieces of armor that flew towards

Kitsune, connecting with his legs, hip, arms, chest, shoulders and

head. Then he hovered back to the ground.

One moment ago he could hardly move his body and now it felt so

powerful that it was almost bursting with energy.

In fact, he never felt this powerful in his entire life before. While

Kitsune looked down on himself and regarded his armor, he heard the

voice of the fox spirit. It was speaking directly to his heart:

"Listen young one! You have to find the other knights and unite with

them. Use your combined forces to overcome the evil that's lurking

within the world!" - "That's all right with me. I could do with a little

excitement!", Kitsune answered the voice in his head. Suddenly the

armor removed itself again from his body. The single pieces flew back

to the rock forming the statue of a fox. "Go inside the cave behind

the armor. You will find a metallic chest. Put the armor inside it and

take the chest with you. Now be on your way!", the voice told him.

Kitsune climbed up the rock, went into the cave and examined the

metallic box he found. It was quite heavy, even without any armor in

it. Fortunately there were leather straps attached to it, so he could

shoulder it on his back. He took it outside the cave. As he put the

armor inside the chest, the voice of the fox spoke to him again:

"Remember to use your powers wisely, and only do so when you're in

grave danger! Farewell Kitsune, ...knight of the Vulpecula

constellation...", The voice echoed in his head. Then it was gone.

"Knight of the Vupecula constellation..., Kitsune repeated. Seems

like life won't be so boring after all.", he thought to himself

smiling. He shouldered the chest and went back to his village. He said

his goodbyes to his master and began his adventurous journey.

To be continued...


Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (1)

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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von: abgemeldet
2006-11-21T18:18:53+00:00 21.11.2006 19:18
Herzlichen Dank, Jenki! ^__^
Im Moment bist du die einzige die sich für mein Zeug interessiert -_-"

Dieses kleine Fanfic ist damals entstanden als ich an einem Saint Seiya Doujinshi Game- und einem Saint Seiya Subtitle Project mitgearbeitet habe. Saint Seiya kam Mitte der 80er raus und ist die Mutter aller Fighting Anime (zusammen mit Dragon Ball). Die Serie war das beste was es gab und hob sich in mehreren Punkten von allem anderen ab:

- beste Animation für damalige Zeit
- extrem atmosphärischer Soundtrack. Sehr orchestral, aber zum Teil mit sehr modernen Elementen durchsetzt - schwer zu beschreiben, muß man gehört haben. Ich denke der Soundtrack trug einiges zum Erfolg der Serie bei.
- sehr dramatische Handlung mit zum Teil äußerst ambivalenten Charakteren.
- Sehr eleganter und eigener Zeichenstil

Kurz, eine tolle Serie, besonders wenn man mit ihr gross geworden ist! (so wie ich) ^___^

Zur Kritik:
Blocksatz ist halt Romanform, aber es stimmt, dass es das Lesen am PC erschwert. Jaja, die Groß-klein Schreibung. Ich schreib deutsches Englisch, das heißt, Substantive sind bei mir im englischen groß. Da muß ich echt drauf aufpassen. Und die Satzzeichen, ja, ich vergess andauernd irgendwelche Kommas. Dabei kann man eigentlich gar nicht genug Kommas machen ^^"

Ich habe eine gute und eine schlechte Nachricht.
Die schlechte: ich habe nicht vor weiter an diesem Fanfic zu schreiben. Genauso wie ich eigentlich auch keine Fanarts mehr zeichne ^^"
Die gute: ich bin gerade dabei eine Kurzgeschichte zu schreiben. So eine Art Mystery-Esoterik mit Horror Elementen. Ich bin bereits auf Seite 17 und recht stolz auf mein Werk soweit. Allerdings ist die Geschichte diesmal komplett auf deutsch.

Als Trost lade ich ein zwei Bilder von Kitsune hoch. Ein Charakter Pic und eine SD Variante. Hoffe die gefallen dir. Bis jetzt sind sie noch schwarz-weiß. Ich werd mich aber bei Gelegenheit mal hinsetzten und sie colorieren ^__~

Nochmal vielen Dank für das Lob und die Kritik! ^_____^

Bis bald!

Von: abgemeldet
2006-11-21T09:42:03+00:00 21.11.2006 10:42
Du hast echt geniale Beschreibungen für den Fuchs benutzt. Man konnte den sich bildlich vorstellen und irgendwie hat mich Kitsune bei der Jagd stark an Gon erinnert, der auch immer so durch den Wald gehetzt ist. *lach*
Irgendwie toll die Vorstellung.
Ansonsten echt wieder super geschrieben. Ich bin echt mal gesapnnt, was es mit diesen 'Knights of the vulpecula constellation' auf sich hat. O.o
Klingt sehr interessant. Durchaus. *nick*
Joa.... was ist mir noch aufgefallen?
Englisch ist wie immer perfekt, aber an manchen Stellen hast du Worte falsch geschrieben. Nicht direkt falsch, aber manchmal hast du Worte mittem im Satz groß geschrieben. >_<
Und an manchen Stellen auch Satzzeichen vergessen.
Aber ansonsten super. *nick*
Mir wären nur ein paar mehr Absätze lieber, grad hier an der Stelle, als Kitsune wieder erwacht.
Da kannst du ruhig nen Absatz machen. Da haben die Augen mal Pause und man muss net alles am Stück lesen. ist nämlich am PC ganz schön anstregend, wenn man Blocksatz liest, aber das nur als Tipp^^
Ich hoffe es geht bald weiter~
Du hast mich neugierig gemacht.

gruß jenki
