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Summer time



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Summer time

It is summer time, and it’s very hot outside. The sun was shining since the early morning.

Pikachu is running to the south of the city, to the big and nice sand beach.

He wanted to meet his friends and want to have fun. Even it is afternoon and he wanted to play with them for the rest of this day.

After a few minutes he arrive the beach, but nobody is there. So he is waiting for his friends.

But he has not to wait for a long time. Piplup, Oshawott, Pichu and Chikorita are running along the beach to him.

Pikachu is happy to see his friends, and there also happy to see him, too. Pichu has little red arm floats on her sweet little arms. She looks very cute with them.

“Hey,” Pikachu say, “who wants play in the ocean, too?”

Everybody is very excited about this idea. 


They all run into the ocean. The ocean is very clear and not so cold, too. Just a little bit, but the sun warms the ocean.

Even Pichu didn’t freezes. She tries to paddle after them, but they are too fast.

“Please, wait for me. You are too fast for me. I can’t swim as fast and good as you.”

The others stand still and wait until Pichu outrun them.

“Don’t be worried, Pichu”, say Piplup and knocks on his shoulder.

“We will be waiting every time for you.”

When Pichu hear this, she became a big smile on her face. And so they begin to play little water games. They make each other wet, splash many water around and have very much fun. The time runs very fast. 


Suddenly a Meowth comes to the beachfront. He looks curious to them. At least he implies that he wanted to play with Pikachu and his friends, too. Shy he scratches on the sand. Chikorita discover him as first.

“Hey you, over there, who are you?”

Still shy he stands where his is. Now the rest of the group sees the foreign Meowth.  

Chikorita runs nosy to him to the beachfront. She guesses that he hasn’t understood her enough. So she asks him again.

“Who are you?” she asks him very friendly.

“My name is Meowth,” he says rather hesitant.

But Chikorita still smiles happy at him.

“Do you want to play with us? You’re welcome.

She goes some steps back and smiles at him.

“Don’t be scare or shy. You can really play with us. Come, let’s have some fun!”

Carefully she takes him with her vine whip and pulls him to her friends. They are very friendly to him. 


“They are Pikachu, Piplup, Oshawott, and Pichu. Oh, and I am Chikorita. And this is Meowth. He wanted to play with us.”

“Hello, Meowth,” says Pikachu and shakes his paw.

“We are very happy to meet you. More people mean more fun.”

And so they play happy and funny games. Splash ocean water to each other, playing tag or swim out to the ocean. The water is there deeper as the water near the beachfront, but they have also fun, too.

So much fun, that they didn’t notice the big shadow of Kyogre of the ground of the ocean. Only Pichu see it, but she didn’t know Kyogre and so she doesn’t say any one about the shadow. Also the others didn’t see it; they are too focused on their game. So Pichu continue the game, too, and forget the unknown shadow soon. 


They play also on the beach itself, until the evening begins. Meanwhile it’s not as hot as in the afternoon and all the Pokémon are happy, but tired. The sun is going down. It looks like she is going swimming in the big ocean.

“It was a very nice day today”, says Pikachu. The others nod concurring.

“So, we have to go home, before the night comes.”

Piplup, Oshawott and Chikorita say good bye to their friends, before they go home.

“And, what are you doing now, Meowth?”

Pikachu ask him.

“Do you want to come with me and Pichu? We wanted to eat some watermelons. Do you want to eat some, too?”

Meowth don`t think about this very long.

“Of course I wanted to come with you. I love watermelons. I can eat really much of them, big containers full with them, and after them I can still eat them.”

Pikachu and Pichu smile at each other. It couldn’t get much better for them. So they run to Pikachu’s house.

After a while they sit on the terrace. Pichu has left her red arm floats on the floor.

They all three eat delicious watermelons and enjoy the beautiful sunset.

“This watermelon is really tasty. I love them really much!”

Meowth grins from ear to ear.

“I love them too”, says Pichu.

“That’s the best thing after a very nice summer day – a tasty watermelon in the evening.” Then he looks to Meowth. 

“If you wanted, you can play with us on other times.”

“Thank you, this sounds very nice.”

Meowth and Pikachu shake her hands again, after that they look into the sunset. Until the sun is already get down.


Kommentare zu diesem Kapitel (2)

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Von:  Sternengaukler
2013-02-03T20:48:42+00:00 03.02.2013 21:48
ich wäre dafür, das dus in die nächste kommirunde noch mal reinpackst. manchmal gehen einige links unter in der menge, die ich in den rundmails verteile. überflogen und für gut befunden o.o keine wirkliche kritik.
Von:  Monoceros
2013-01-06T19:48:01+00:00 06.01.2013 20:48
So, jetzt habe ich mal etwas Zeit gefunden deine Geschichte zu lesen und kommentieren^^
Also, zuerst möchte ich mal sagen, dass es mich ziemlich beeindruckt, wenn man ne Story auf ner anderen Sprache schreibt. Ich muss nämlich zugeben, dass ich persönlich mir das nicht zutrauen würde. Und noch mehr beeindruckt es mich, wenn sie auch gut geschrieben ist - wie es hier der Fall ist.
Die Story ist echt sehr niedlich geschrieben. Eben ne süße Pokémongeschichte, wo es um Freundschaft und Spaß geht. Sowas mag ich^^
Fehler hab ich eigentlich kaum gefunden. Bei denen, wo ich zufällig bemerkt habe denk ich aber, dass das einfach nur Tippfehler sind. Also z.B. ziemlich am Anfang haste "do" anstatt "to" geschrieben.
Jedenfalls beide Daumen hoch ;)
