The Last Unicorn von abgemeldet ================================================================================ Prolog: -------- ..."I'm alive! I'm alive!" I woke up frightened and bathed in sweat. Again this dream with the same sad song! What's the idea?! Why me of all people???! Distracted, as always, I stood up and went in the dark to the bathroom, to wash my face with wonderful cold water. I didn't need any light. I knew my house inside out. After the cooling I felt better, the shaking eased and I just went shortly the few steps to the next room, to look, if my daughter was still sleeping, because sometimes she woke up when I stood up at night. I had the feeling anyway, that she had a very sensitive ear. I opened the door quietly and sneaked to her bed - she was still sleeping and smiled. I passed my hand over her hair and kissed her forehead, and then I left the room as quiet as I came and closed the door behind me. I lied down again in my bed, but I couldn't sleep anymore. Why was I haunted by this dream? Why?? And yet I couldn't remember anymore what that dream was about - I just cold remember this song, which still haunted my mind... this deeply moving song... I shook my head and dragged the bedcover to my chin. The air-conditioner worked well. I wanted to forget this song, but in an inexplicable way I couldn't. As if it has any important meaning to me, which my subconscious didn't want to give away. I had this dream a week before and he didn't want to leave me! I couldn't understand, why. I tossed and turned restless in my big bed. It was no use! I couldn't sleep anymore! And it was only shortly after 1am, I had to get a good night's sleep! What should the patients think about a tired doctor? "Damn it", I cursed loudly to myself and sat up in my bed. Outside the moon shone, and the cold light felt through my window. I hadn't pulled down my Venetian blinds and looked outside the silent night. Everything was so peaceful and quiet, as if there was nothing what could destroy this silence. Suddenly I had to think of Jason again, and my heart contracted. Don't cry again! I took a deep breath and tried to stay calm. There were still times where I terribly missed the daddy of my daughter. I couldn't understand why it had to be him! He had been so young! When he died, I wanted to give up everything - even my job. I'm a doctor, one of the best I guess - and I couldn't help him nevertheless! The reason why I hadn't given up my career had been my daughter. It was my wish, the she will be fine every time of her life, and I with my 24 ages got a lot of money as doctor, which was good, because I had to manage everything alone. I was glad, that the house was my own, so I had no commitments (except of water and electricity)... After one hour, when I still couldn't sleep, I took my disc man and listened to Enya. Her music was good for sleep, what I found out later. Why didn't I have this idea earlier?? I thought, before I felt to sleep after the first song... Kapitel 1: Daily Life --------------------- When my cell phone (misused as alarm clock^^) beeped the next morning, I was funnily enough wide-awaken and got a good night's sleep, although I hadn't slept more than 5 hours. Now it was 6 o'clock, and I had still time. So I stood up slowly, stretched myself and went to the related bathroom. My dream I had already forgotten. After half an hour I entered the bedroom of my daughter to wake her up. I sat down, touched her and said: "Morning darling! Get up!" She opened her eyes slowly, stretched herself and smiled at me. "Did you sleep well?", I asked her and she nodded and sat up. Then she embraced me and said: "I love you, Mom." I touched her again and answered: "I love you, too!" and took her out of the bed. "What do you want to wear today? It's very warm already..." - "Well...", she rubbed her eyes and finally finished her sentence: "...the blue dress you bought me some time ago!" I agreed. "Okay", and looked for it in her wardrobe. Then I gave it to her, together with her underwear and sent her to the bathroom. Being five years old she could do many things on her own, what I thought to be very cute, above all when she tried to tie her shoelaces. How she tried hard so long, till it went, that was great. While she got herself ready, I went downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast. It was already light outside, despite the early time, and inside my house it was pleasantly chilly. I got the muesli for my daughter ready and placed a yoghurt for me at the table. While I was taking knife, fork and spoon out of a drawer, I remembered the dream again, I had last night. I had to do something, that couldn't go this way any longer. I decided to write down the song text, after I woke up from this dream, maybe it deciphered something. After we had eaten, I brought my daughter with my jeep to the Children's Care, and drove shortly after that to my practice. I had some time left, till my first patients came, because we opened at 8 o'clock and my two assistants weren't here yet. So I went to my office, changed my clothes (I love white clothes^^) and looked at my desk. The calendar was very full and leapt to my eye. Well, better then when nobody comes. Although I just had a little practice of many here in this district, many people cam in here, a fact that surprised me. I sat down in my swivel chair, looked around and thought what to do. I often came to my practice early; because I wanted that everything was in order when my first patients came. And I wanted to get in proper mood for my work. Normally some letters and reports were lying on my desk, which I had had to answer to, but yesterday I had enough of this big pile and I sat till the night to finally finish everything. So I had nothing to do today. I tried to remember my dream, and the song suddenly occurred to me again, but I couldn't remember the dream anyway. I took pen and paper immediately and wrote: When the last eagle flies Over the last crumbling mountain And the last lion roars At the last dusty fountain In the shadow of the forest Through she may be all and one They would stare unbelieving At the last unicorn When the first breath of winter Through their flowers it's icing And you look to the north And the pale moon is rising And it seems like all is dying And would leave the world to more In the distance hear the laughter Of the Last Unicorn I'm alive! I'm alive!! When the last moon is cast Over the last star of morning And the future has passed Without even a last desperate warning Then look into the sky where through The clouds of pact is born Look and see her how she sparkles She's the last Unicorn. I'm alive! I'm alive! Deep in thoughts I watched my writing and tried to figure out, what it meant. The best thing to do was to start at the beginning. Well... there was an eagle and a lion... Yeah, that were animals, I could remember. I had seen them once, when I visited a zoo... There were none of them still living in freedom, like it was 100 years ago, but there were books and movies to inform people, being interested in animals. My daughter wanted to see real animals, but the next zoo was far away - there weren't much of them- and I had no time to drive her, but I really had to show her how animals were like. So the song was talking about a time where the last animals were living in freedom, before they couldn't survive outside anymore... And then a unicorn survived anyhow and there was something written about the future, sounds the end of the world... unicorn?? I had heard that name before... Oh, yes, my daughter had a picture book, which she really loved. There was a unicorn... That was like a kind of a horse, but white with a horn on the forehead, but nobody was sure, if this animal really existed, because no one has ever seen it, so there was no proof... I looked back to the text. It seemed that the unicorn would live forever; no matter how bad the world was or even if it wouldn't exist anymore... That was weird. It sounded like there was still a unicorn living somewhere... I shook my head, that can't be. Where would it live? There was no opportunity... All around the world there were no more parks or landscapes anymore, just houses and buildings... Hosted by Animexx e.V. (