One in a million von Neal (Destiel | DeanCas) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: Ancient Angel ------------------------ Just as I suspected This dim-layer that suddenly brightened-bright Inspecting the night Advertising stars in such a mid-day Dozing as if descending With wisp watching whispers Whispering the wings of their clippers Drew a bridge of white sings A thunder stroke And visiting was the pillars of rain Running these races of angel brain The visit was to earth Seeking the men of earth The dim-night clouding the ground Was overshadowed by rhymes These rhymes rusting Born of acrostic Tortured the sky sounding To my greatest surprise They were singing. - Ebi Robert ____________ The moment you realize that your whole life was just making fun of you, it not really awesome, right? Problems about your missing breakfast or stunning cars are not longer important, when you have actually this really, really big problem in front of you. Eyes were burned out from a mysterious creature high above humans heads, without noticing them at all - but they were there, all the time. The only question was: Did they protect us from evil? Or are they the Evil itself? Lucifer was an angel, fallen from heaven, which is not really a place made for chubby angels like Cubit, or? From childhood on, the only real big obstacle was the missing mother, but this story is well known, since Sammy got old enough to realize that Death means death. However, the real issue was the angel, who is now standing in this barn, while Bobby is making a face like a thundercloud, pulling out the knife. The other man, who stood beside him, was just blinking, not really realizing what this creature was in front of him. Maybe it was a demon, a werewolf - no this can't be true - or maybe just an evil spirit, that came out from dark ages. "What the-..." Green eyes were staring on the silly looking trench coat, that belonged to a messy brown-hair looking guy with this confusing look in his face. "Take the holy water!", Bobby was whispering to the side of the Winchester, while the younger man was just staring at the approaching enemy - to put it mildly was the right phrase - , his blade in the right hand, moving forwards like a puppet. The next moment came really fast, too fast for Deans senses, because the real problem just started to collapse. Bobby tried to put the blade into the back of the newcomer, who was only interested in Dean. Seemed so, at first. But when Bobby pushed the blade into the enemies back, the thing turned back, raised a hand and the old man shut his eyes, while his body collapsed to the ground. The green eyed man barely stared to Bobby, like this was nothing special, but it clearly was some magic behind the touch on the forehead. Dean did not know how long he was just staring at the creature before him, while the other looked back in the same interest, so it seemed to the Winchester. His body stood still, no muscle was moving, only his lips parted often enough to wet his dried lips more than one time. It took him a long time to open his mouth for the right question, but when he made his, his body stiffed once more. "Who are you...?", was Deans question, sharp and with a tone, he did not know that he just said that in that manner. "I am the one, who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition." There was this unmanageable silence again. "What are-..." "An Angel.", was the abrupt answer to his really big problem concerning the intruder. Ok he wasn't really an intruder, because he summoned the thing. The angel. Wait, an angel? "Angels do not exist.", spoke Dean loud enough out to make sure his voice wasn't broken because of the awkward silence between them, after the thing told him, what he was. The angel-thing-what-ever-it-is-called turned away from Dean, looked back to the lying man on the ground, when he moved back to his discussion partner and lifted his head a bit higher than expected. Dean spotted the stiffness in his body once more, because the angel did certainly something to him, maybe only with his presence. Can angels do this? What is his motive here? What happened to Bobby? So much questions were floating around in Deans head, while his grip around the blade got intensified. He did not want to attack the angel being, since he saw what happened to Bobby, but what should he do? Just stay here and look like a blockhead? "Why are you so faithless, Dean? I thought your resurrection was enough to make you believe in yourself." The angel came closer, too close for Deans sake, but the only thing the Winchester did, was to look at the thing before him, with this silly look on his face, head tilled a bit and the eyelids were a bit closing. Again there were so much questions, but the main question was: Why the heck did he knew his name? "My name is Castiel, by the way.", were the last words from the angel, while Dean just forgot how to breath and this silence after hearing his name was irresponsible, even for him. The name of this angel gave him the chills and it was even more worse when the blue and green eyes of those two met. Dean just forgot what he wanted to do. However, this was the encounter with Castiel, the curious angel of the Lord. And the time Dean realized that this angel will bring a lot of confusion to the older Winchester brother. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (