What Lurks Behind my Hatred von abgemeldet ================================================================================ Prolog: Prologue ---------------- Yuki Sohma looked out his window. Kyo Sohma, his distant cousin, sat outside, unaware that Yuki watched his every move. Yuki laughed to himself as a cat went over and sat on Kyo's lap. Kyo scowled but petted the cat anyway - he couldn't resist showing some affection for his own kind. He sighed; it wasn't really fair that Kyo was so naturally cast aside from the others and sort of looked down upon. Not only that, but he also had a 'true' form - Kyo had to wear a bracelet so he wouldn't transform into it. Yuki didn't know what it was, and he didn't really want to. But he did feel sorry for Kyo - actually, even though he appeared to hate Kyo, he sort of liked him. However, lately he'd caught himself thinking about Kyo more and more and more... Yuki shook himself out of his daydreams. Baka-neko, he thought. Stupid cat. Kapitel 1: Hidden Affections ---------------------------- "Dinner's ready!" Tohru Honda's voice rang through the house. She'd lived with them for almost two years, and would stay as long as she kept their secret safe. She was their housekeeper, in a way - and to Yuki, she was like a little sister. "Thank you, Tohru," he said, walking to the table. Kyo sat in front of his plate, mumbling something Yuki couldn't hear. "Speak up, baka-neko," he said to Kyo. Kyo's short temper quickly flared up. "Don't call me stupid you damn rat!" he snapped. Yuki ignored him and sat down. Their older cousin Shigure walked in and sniffed. "Tohru, did you make the leeks and the miso for Kyo?" he said jokingly. Kyo stood up. "Are you fuckin' crazy! You know damn well I hate miso! And you really know I hate leeks!" "Oh, Kyo, calm down! I didn't make miso and leeks," Tohru said quickly. He sat back down. "Sorry, Tohru," he said quietly. "She forgives you, baka-neko," Yuki said under his breath. "That's it, rat boy!" Kyo yelled, pouncing on Yuki. Yuki punched him in the gut and pinned him to the floor. "You were saying?" he said. Kyo shut up quickly, finding himself lost in Yuki's sad, beautiful eyes; Yuki sighed in annoyance. "Stupid cat." He returned to his plate, but Kyo stood and walked outside. His excellent balance he hopped on the roof and stared at the clouds. Purple...pink...orange, the color of his own eyes and hair...grey, the color of Yuki's hair... Kuso nezumi, Kyo thought angrily. I hate him. He sighed and began to think. At least I think I hate him...do I really? He's so mean to me...but nice to everyone else. If he were nice to me...what would that be like? Would he be my friend...? Kyo sighed. I'm crazy to be thinking about that damn rat like this. He looked over the edge and saw Yuki standing on the porch, and slowly he reached out and touched his soft, silver hair. Yuki jumped slightly, but he smiled. "Tohru, what are you doing?" he said. Kyo pulled away. He didn't belong with Yuki...so why did he want to belong so badly? "Tohru?" Yuki turned around and saw a disappearing head of orange hair on the roof. Kyo sat and snapped himself out of his thoughts. I really am stupid. Yuki hates me. I wish I didn't have such a bad temper... "Hey, cat!" Yuki's voice floated up, and Kyo looked over the edge of the roof. Yuki stared back through his grey bangs. "What is it?" Kyo asked. "Was that you?" Yuki asked. Kyo blushed slightly. "I, uh...I can explain..." Yuki only stared back with his big, purple eyes, and Kyo couldn't help himself. He smiled and reached over the edge to touch Yuki's face. Yuki's eyebrows skyrocketed, but he found himself relaxing as he felt Kyo's warm fingertips on his cheek. "Can you help me get up there?" he asked. Kyo nodded and pulled him onto the roof. "Kyo, lately...I've been thinking about you more and more." Yuki sighed. "I was curious...I just want to know you a little bit more..." Kyo nodded. "Same here." He sighed and looked out at the sunset. "Yuki, I think I might like you." "Well, I might like you too." "No..." Kyo looked at Yuki. "I mean...I might have a crush on you..." Yuki's eyes widened, and Kyo blushed. "Are you kidding me?" "No." Yuki bit his lip. "Kyo, I'm not sure about my orientation right now, okay? I'm a little confused." "But -," "Kyo, what do you want from me!" Yuki snapped. Kyo leaned over and stared at Yuki for a moment before pulling him into a kiss. Slowly he slid his tongue along Yuki's lips before gliding it into his mouth. "Wow," Yuki whispered. He smiled at Kyo and relaxed in his arms, listening to his heartbeat. Kyo wrapped his arms around Yuki tightly and held him close, stroking his grey hair. "I don't know, Kyo..." Kyo could tell Yuki was really fighting the urge to give in. But when Kyo leaned forward, Yuki caved in and sighed. "Okay, you caught me. I'm not...entirely straight." Kyo smiled and kissed Yuki again. "I know." I wonder if he knows how totally sexy his indecisiveness makes him, Kyo thought evilly. But for now, he was content to hold his precious nezumi in his arms the way he'd wanted to for so long. After a while they went back into the house. It was dark outside, and they were both very worn out. Kyo led Yuki into the shadows and embraced him tightly. "Sleep well, Yuki." "And you, Kyo," Yuki said, turning to retreat to his room. Kyo clutched his wrist. "Wait! Yuki," he said quietly; Yuki looked back over, the moonlight shining on his pale features making him appear more beautiful than ever before. His glittering lavender eyes blinked once in a questioning gaze; the pure innocence radiating from his tiny figure caused Kyo's heartbeat to speed up ever so slightly. "Do you need something, Kyo?" Yuki asked. Kyo walked closer and wrapped one arm around his slender hips, using his free hand to lift Yuki's face. Then, very slowly, he closed the gap between their lips. "...! Kyo..." Yuki whimpered. Kyo gave his lips a soft, tender nip, nudging their noses together. Yuki giggled slightly. "Hmm? What's funny?" Kyo asked in confusion. "You're so cuddly, Kyo," Yuki said. Kyo smiled a bit and kissed Yuki once again, his hands roaming across Yuki's back and shoulders. After a moment of soft, tentative kisses, Yuki looked up. "Kyo," he breathed. Kyo smiled at him and kissed his forehead. "Night, Yuki," he said softly. Yuki bowed and walked into his own room. Right next door, Kyo went to bed smiling. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)