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Isinuyasha   [Zeichner-Galerie] Upload: 09.02.2009 21:47
Mehr Informationen warum dieses Bild mein Tod war und warum ich eine Menge Tränen vergossen habe, hier^^


Yeah...not much to say this time =D I thought the 1st version was better but no crying over spilled potions, yes? ;D

I know...Love...it's a lame title but it's the only word that could express the message that the picture is supposed to carry^^
Someone asked me why I rarely drew kiss scenes (aside from the fact that I hate drawing a kiss posture ;D), although I'm so openly fond of Harry/Draco Fluff and I think that, to some extent, I want to bring a different message across. I mean, a kiss is lovely, emotional and carries the most beautiful message but I guess that I really want to show the intimacy, the feeling, the closeness without showing the obvious sign of it.

Don't get me wrong, I love kisses sooo much but I'm crap at drawing them so I have to make up an excuse, yes? =D
And I'm also very bad at drawing NC-17 pics so I don't think there will be much of those from me ;D

I hope you like,
me =D

PS: Gestatten, Faulheit mein Name, ich wollte den Text nicht übersetzen, hab einfach kopiert =D

Dieses Bild entstand zu Zwecken des H/D ♥ Months an dem im ganzen Februar H/D Bilder geposted werden =D

Ihr könnt das Bild alllerdings auch in meinem eigenen Journal sehen: http://isinuyasha.livejournal.com/
Harry Potter, Shōnen-Ai

Bleistift, Computer koloriert

Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy

Harrys Ära

Ich will darauf gar nicht eingehen, das Bild hat mich zum Weinen gebracht >_>

Kelun - Chu Bura <3

hd_fanart community = H/D <3 month =D


Kommentare (7)

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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  Tony
2009-02-20T01:52:06+00:00 20.02.2009 02:52
You know, I never stalk animexx gallery so this was a first, but I saw this pic and was like "omg somebody stole from isi!" until I noticed it actually was you.
So, sorry for not commenting before (I'm shy, but that's no excuse, I'm really sorry! ._.), I'll do so now.

I really love this picture! I have not much experience with Art, I'm not much of an artist myself, so I can only say if I like a pic or if I don't, and why. And I love this one, a lot.
It's just... so calm. Many pictures have some action in them, some motion, and that is all well and right, but I find I cannot look at them that long, but this is one of the very few pictures I could stare at for who knows how long (and actually do from time to time). You can see the intimacy, and the love. Their relationship is visible, and not just in the love and sexual aspect, but in the friends aspect - the everyday romance that I am so fond of. You know, the shared habits and rituals, and the casual talking when sitting like that, and so on. And this picture has it, and I love it.

On to details - I love, love love the clothing. Yes XD
I mean, you may have noticed that many people have trouble describing or just imagining their clothes properly without turning it muggle. As a personal opinion, I don't like it when they dress Draco in muggle designer clothes. It's just a preference, and I don't dislike it when it happens, I just like it better when people use their imagination - and that's what you did. The difference between Harry and Draco concerning clothes is visible (duh, it's a picture...) and it makes me want to giggle. xD
I also like that they are not girly in any way. It's rare to find here on animexx (reason why I so rarely venture into Fanart Galleries or just Fanfiction Area) and that makes it even more precious. They're men, and in love, and not anime, yay!
And I love Draco's hair. I usually prefer him having it not longer than the middle of his ears (I just don't like long haired-men) but I really like this cut, and I think I'm going to let him have it in one of my stories.
Actually I may already have an idea *cough*
I'll let you know. And I'll credit you. (I'm not sure you prompted me, but if you did, I will!)

On to something else I wanted to comment; your reason for not drawing kissing scenes.
Yay! I mentioned it already, I'm a fan of everyday romance (that's what I call what you mentioned, closeness without obvious signs). It makes my knees weak. It's why I kind of read my own stories as a reader and not as an author. And I love that you like it too!

Just wanted to mention it.
So, this picture is awesome, wonderful, and, whether I'll write or not, you may find yourself linked someday. *cough* Thank you!

(I wrote in english because it's easier, and I know you'll understand me both language-wise and otherwise.
This is a long comment for animexx-standard, is it? Though you get rather long comments already, for animexx-standard. I'll stop whining now XD)
Von:  toya-chan
2009-02-11T13:05:16+00:00 11.02.2009 14:05
also....ich muss sagen....das mit der decke sieht echt iwie eigenartig aus...ABA ich finde das bild total klasse~
*begeistert is*
Von:  prayer_at_night
2009-02-10T18:52:18+00:00 10.02.2009 19:52
Es ist wirklich schrecklich. Ich habe eine akute Abneigung gegen dieses Pairing und ignoriere alle Fanworks, in denen es vorkommt... aber an deinen Bildern komm ich nicht vorbei. Sie sind so einzigartig, unverkennbar, dein Colostil ist göttlich und, und jetzt frag nicht warum du die Ausnahme bist, aber ich kauf dir die beiden als Pairing ab! Wirklich, es macht irgendwie so Sinn, dass sie zusammen sind, wenn man sich deine Pics anguckt.
Ich kanns nicht besser erklären, du sollst nur wissen, dass du sogar eine D/H-Ablehnerin wie mich temporär bekehrst!^^
Liebe Grüße, prayer:-*
Von:  Zaryn
2009-02-10T12:29:54+00:00 10.02.2009 13:29
sieht erste sahne aus
Von:  Lichtkatze
2009-02-09T22:33:22+00:00 09.02.2009 23:33
aww das bild sieht wieder klasse aus.'__'
ich mag es dassu die charas darstellst wie du se dir vorstellst.
Mir gefällt Dracos frisur.°_____°
Harrys frisur is au toll und die ganze stimmung des bildes.
wirklich toll.*___________*
Von:  Lingwiloce
2009-02-09T22:30:51+00:00 09.02.2009 23:30
Ja, das mit der Decke... XD Find ich auch sieht komisch aus.
Aber ich stimme meinem Vorkommentator auch bei den Kerzen und den Händen zu; sehr gelungen.
Selber finde ich noch den Hintergrund sehr schön, vor allem die Fransen an den Kissen und der Himmmel sind sehr fein ausgearbeitet... XD
Von: abgemeldet
2009-02-09T21:58:09+00:00 09.02.2009 22:58
Es tut mir Leid, das gleich der erste Kommentar so sinnlos, unkonstruktiv und pervers sein muss, aber...
Das sieht einfach irgendwie obszön aus. Aber lustig obszön. Also das mit der Decke und dem... Du weißt, was ich meine, oder...?
Die Idee mit den fliegenden Kerzen fidne ich toll. Harrys Haut erscheint mir etwas zu dunkel, er ist doch kein cubanischer Sunnybeachboy!
Dafür gefällt mir die Hand sehr. Die ist so richtig schön ähm... männlich!