Eurofurence 21
19.08.2015 bis 23.08.2015
Offizieller Veranstalter
Eurofurence e. V.
Estrel Sonnenallee 225
12057 Berlin

Genauere Informationen zur Registrierung, Preise etc. findet ihr hier:

Die Eurofurence ist eine Internationale Furryconvention für jeden interessierten, Fursuiter und Fan.

Besucher aus aller Welt sind wollkommen und vertretten. Aufgrund dessen, ist die vorherrschende Sprache auf der gesamten Con Englisch.


Early Bird

                                    (until January 31st)    Regular -  (starting February 1st - ) Late (starting May 1st)   

X Entrance Fee (Convention Ticket) 80.00 € 90.00€ 110.00 €

X Entrance Fee (Stage Ticket) 5.00 € 5.00€ 5.00 €

X Sponsor Upgrade 60.00 € 60.00€ 60.00 €

Tariff is determined by payment date, not registration date.

Die Preise richten sich nach Datum der Zahlung, nicht Datum der Anmeldung.

Die Preise für die Übernachtungen im Estrel Hotel:

Room category Double Room Single Room

Standard € 99 /night and room € 75 /night

Deluxe € 114 /night and room € 90 /night

Junior Suite € 120 /night and room € 114 /night

Deluxe Suite € 164 /night and room € 140 /night[/B]

Auch dieses Jahr findet die EF wieder im Estrel Hotel in Berlin statt. Schon letztes Jahr war die Eurofurence dort Gast.

Das Hotel ist mit seiner Größe und dem Conventioncenter, mittlerweile die neue Location. Leider ist das Hotel in Magdeburg mittlerweile zu klein für den Ansturm der nun 2000+ Gäste, welche die Eurofurence zu erwarten hat.

Die Bereiche im Hotel beinhalten zb. auch einen Biergarten mit Lagerfeuer, Loungegelegenheiten und sogar einen Schiffstour-Anlegeplatz. Demnach liegt es direkt an einem kleinen Kanal, was Abends mit dem Lagerfeuer eine schöne Atmosphäre schafft.

Im Hotel gibt es eigene Restaurants, Bars und viele Möglichkeiten sich mit Freunden zu treffen.

Die Suiterlounge bietet mit den eigenen Kühlsystemen eine gute Möglichkeit, die Fursuits zum trocknen und sich erholen ab zu geben. (Natürlich auf eigene Gefahr).

Die Fursuitparade findet ebenfalls in dem Hotel statt. Dabei gehen alle, die daran Teilnehmen möchten, zu einem Sammelpunkt (natürlich im Fursuit). Es wird Musik gespielt und dann geht die kleine Parade durch das Hotel los.

Die Eurofurence, oder kurz EF, beinhaltet ein großes Programm, welches beispielsweise im Jahre 2014 die sogenannte PawPet Show beinhaltete. Dies ist eine kleine Handpuppenshow die von den Veranstalltern in Eigenregie gebaut werden und dann auf der Bühne damit ein Stück vorführen. Begleitet von eigener Musik, Bühnenbild etc.. Leider wird es 2015 diese Show nicht geben.

Des weiteren gibt es viele Workshops im Zeichnerberich oder im Bereich des Fursuit bauens (und weitere spezifische Bereiche). Es gibt eine Artshow, in der Künstler ihre Werke ausstellen, diese können hinterher auch ersteigert werden. Der DealersDen ist vergleichbar mit den altbekannten Händlerräumen. Hier gibt es themenbasierte Artikel zum kauf. Die meisten davon sind von den Anbietern selbst her gestellt. Natürlich gibt es auch Anbieter die nicht "privat" sind.

Ehrengäste, welche in der Fursuitszene sehr bekannt sind, etwas bewegten, oder allgemein beliebt sind (zb. Musik machen, Comedy, etc.) sind auf der Eurofurence in der Regel ebenfalls van zu treffen.

Mehr zu den Programmpunkten wird bei Zeiten nachgepflegt.

Auszug Website.

Das Programm der Convention ist so vielfältig wir die einzelnen Unter-Genres des Fandoms. Spektakulär ist sicherlich die Präsentation von Tier-, Cartoon- und Maskottchen-Kostümen, deren Träger sich während der Veranstaltung unter die Teilnehmer mischen. Ein inzwischen fester Programmpunkt ist daher der Wettbewerb um das beste Kostüm und die beste Performance. Tipps und Tricks zum Bau der Kostüme werden in Workshops, sogenannten Special Interest Groups (SIGs), ausgetauscht.

Die meisten SIGs beschäftigen sich allerdings mit weniger auffälligen, aber innerhalb des Fandoms und unter Künstlern sehr beliebten Themen: Zeichentechniken und dazu notwendige Materialien, schriftstellerische Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten, Leitung von Rollenspielen oder kulturhistorische Grundlagen von anthropomorphen Tierdarstellungen sind ständig wiederkehrende Themen.

Natürlich darf auch die Präsentation der verschiedenen Ausdrucksmittel nicht zu kurz kommen. In der Art Show stellen Furry-Künstler ihre Zeichnungen und Gemälde vor. Vom Ölgemälde über digitale Kunstdrucke, Zeichnungen, Karikaturen und Comics bis hin zu Skulpturen reicht die Palette. Die Art Show ist dabei Vernissage und Workshop zugleich: Künstler diskutieren mit ihrem Publikum über die ausgestellten Werke.

Einblick in den Schaffensprozess gibt es zudem reichlich außerhalb der SIGs über den ganzen Veranstaltungsort verteilt: wo immer ein Tisch und ein Stuhl frei wird, werden Zeichenblock und Stifte gezückt und neue Zeichnungen erstellt.

An anderen Tischen sitzen Teilnehmer in kleinen Gruppen: sie spielen Rollenspiele, entwerfen mit Würfel, Papier und Bleistift ihre Charaktere und lassen diese waghalsige Abenteuer in fantastischen Welten erleben.

Oder man sitzt einfach so zusammen, diskutiert über anthropomorphe Charaktere in Romanen, Fernsehserien oder Filme. Viele Teilnehmer sind Fans von Zeichentrick-Filmen, seien es Cartoons, abendfüllende Spielfilme wie die von Disney oder Anime. Für dieses Publikum wird eine Video-Show mit Raritäten und Kurzfilmen des Genres


Auch die Musiker kommen nicht zu kurz: im Furry Music Café gibt es zwar Kaffee und Kekse - aber vor allem gibt es Live-Musik zu hören. Es ist Furry Music: selbst komponierte und getextete Lieder über Furries und ihre Geschichten.

Der inoffizielle Höhepunkt ist die Samstagabend-Show. Seit Eurofurence 6 ist sie der Rahmen eines Puppenspiels für Erwachsene. Vier Handpuppen aus dem Hause Folkmanis erwachen zum Leben und kämpfen sich in 90 Minuten durch absurde Abenteuer und Verwicklungen. Freche Sprüche und ausgefeilte Gags inklusive.

Thema der neuen EF: The Greenhouse World!

Auszug der Eurofurence Seite:

Welcome to Berlin

Whether you come from the mist-forests to the north, the great mountains to the east, the deserts to the south, or the vast oceans to the west, we are delighted that you have chosen to attend EF 21. The recent excavation of previously unknown Ancestor structures in the Sonnenallee District should provide us with a weekend’s worth of discussion and speculation on how the Ancestors lived, and perhaps even where they went!

The weather in the Berlin area is expected to be humid and pleasantly moderate, in the low 30s, and our Safety Patrol has been working tirelessly to keep our perimeter safe from raiders. Upon your arrival, we will provide a guide as to which of our local plants and fruits are edible, and which insects to avoid. We look forward to your participation in our conference this year!

Eurofurence is an annual gathering of the furry community, people who enjoy exploring the world of anthropomorphic animals through many forms of imagination, including art, costuming, puppetry, music, writing, and dance. EF 21 takes place in a future Berlin, a “greenhouse world” populated entirely by anthropomorphic animals in the overgrown ruins of the cities once inhabited by their mysterious “Ancestors.”

For now, there is no programm officially released. Usually the programm can be viewed in the conbook, that is available at the con. So informations are not up to date mostly.

Any information regarding the programm will be editet here asap.

To give you a short look what the Eurofurence had the last years:

A Disco / Fursuit-Dance

PawPet Show (Puppet Show)

Workshops for Art, Fursuits and much more

DealersDen (Buying Area)

Art Show (Display of art that can be bought later)


Comedy Show


Fursuit Show

These are just some things you can enjoy at the EF!

Policies >> Eurofurence Rules of Conduct

Eurofurence likes to present itself as a professional convention of friendly, respectful and open-minded members of the furry community and their friends. As a condition of membership, all Eurofurence attendees are required to abide by these rules of conduct for the entire duration of their stay, even prior to opening or after closing of the convention. When in doubt about any of these rules, please ask - we will gladly answer all your questions. However, please understand that we will not debate these rules with you during the convention. The rules of conduct will be strictly enforced by Eurofurence security volunteers who will be clearly identified as such on site. If you have any problem with any action taken by a Staff member you may take the matter up with the Chief of Security or the Chairman.

General Rules

Any action or behavior that causes significant interference with convention operations, excessive discomfort to other attendees, or adversely affects Eurofurence's relationship with its guests, its venues or the public is strictly forbidden and may result in permanent suspension of membership. This general rule supersedes all others listed below and may be invoked at any time.

Please treat each other respectfully.

You are liable for any damage you might cause.

Always follow the directions by convention staff and security.

Harassment of any kind, including physical assault, battery, deliberate intimidation, stalking, or unwelcome physical attentions, will not be tolerated.

Please be aware that the lobby, the foyers and the restaurants are public areas, and that there may be regular hotel guests around who are not taking part in our convention. Please help us to give them the best possible impression of our fandom!

Registration and Badges

You must be at least 18 years old on the first day of the convention.

Eurofurence functions are open only to registered attendees.

Attendees are identified by their personal membership badge.

A badge is valid only for the person to whom it was issued and may not be shared.

Badges must be presented and/or surrendered to any Staff member requesting it.

Changing or obscuring information on your badge is not allowed.

Hotel Rules

The consumption of food or drink purchased from outside of the hotel is not permitted in the hotel's public areas.

It is strictly forbidden to throw/dangle/hang anything out of any windows, balconies or any other elevated location. Violators will be expelled from the convention.

Attendees may not enter the service areas of the hotel. This includes all backstage areas, service elevators, the rooftops, emergency exits and all areas marked as "Staff Only".

Disabling or deliberately triggering fire-protection devices (such as smoke detectors, sprinklers, door alarms) is strictly prohibited.

The sale of any kind of merchandise outside the official Dealers' Den requires explicit permission by the Eurofurence Board of Directors.

No sleeping in the lobby, the hallways or the meeting rooms. Get a room, please!

For safety reasons it is not allowed to bring dogs, cats or other animals into your hotel room or any of the convention event areas.

Parties and Gatherings

Gatherings in hotel rooms must not generate any noise that can be heard in neighboring rooms during nighttime hours.

Hotel doors must be kept shut during such gatherings and guests are not permitted to congregate in the hotel corridors.

Loud parties will be given a single warning to remain quiet. No second warnings will be given before action is taken by the hotel to remove the offending individuals.

All room occupants are equally responsible for cleaning up after a party. Trash must be put into bags. Don't leave the mess for hoursekeeping.

Security is required to clear out overcrowded rooms. For your own safety we recommend keeping the occupancy below 10 in a regular room, or below 20 in a junior suite.

Clothing and Decency

Wearing costumes, accessories or displaying items made out of real fur is not allowed.

Nudity exceeding the equivalent of a non-thong bathing suit is not allowed in public.

To prevent damage to costumes and hotel property, body paint requires an individual permission by the Chief of Security. Face makeup does not require permission.

Sexual behaviour that goes beyond a mere display of affection is not allowed in public.

Blatant exposure of fetish gear is not permitted in public, even if it is part of a costume.

Display of adult materials (such as room signs, flyers, business cards, posters and drawings on public message boards) is not permitted in public areas of the hotel and convention center.

The limit for "adult themed" materials is the equivalent of what you can see on the magazine covers at an average German newsstand. Drawing the line for "fetish gear" is a little bit more tricky. To avoid unexpected differences with our Security Staff, please ask us in advance if you're unsure about the adequacy of an item.

When used as a fashion statement or part of a costume, the following items are usually allowed:

Collars (without leash)

Decorative Wristbands (without D-Rings)

Sled Dog Harnesses (only if part of a matching costume)

The following items are explicitly NOT allowed in public:

Full-body rubber or vinyl costumes.

Costumes that are visibly "anatomically correct".

Costumes or accessories related to age-play, pet-play or BDSM.

Costumes indecently revealing the wearers own private anatomy.

We may take the liberty to allow additional exceptions if your outfit is exceptionally discrete, tasteful and/or good looking - no promise, though.

Alcohol and other Drugs

Persons who are intoxicated to the point of incapacity will be escorted to their room, and may consequentially be banned from the convention.

Any individual found to be in possession of or distributing illegal or controlled substances will be removed and reported directly to the local authorities.

Smoking is not permitted anywhere inside the hotel and convention center, except for the smoker's lounge.

You are expected to drink responsibly. You will be held responsible for what you do, even when drunk.


All weapons, including look-alikes, replicas, tools and toys must be approved immediately after your registration on site. Please go to the ConOps office for approval.

Security may require your weapon to be peace-bound. Tampering with the peace bonding is not allowed.

No water pistols, silly string, or any thrown or projectile-type toy may be used in any area of the hotel or convention center.

Mock fights, swordplay, fire breathing or any other dangerous activities are not allowed.

Exceptions for staged events are possible, but require an individual permission by the Chief of Security. Please make sure to inquire ahead of time - perferably before the convention.

Photography and Video

Eurofurence e.V. reserves all rights to video and photo material gathered at the convention with the exception of footage from private rooms.

Eurofurence e.V. grants you the right to use videos and photos you have taken at the convention for private and/or non-commercial purposes.

Publication in for-profit media requires written permission by the Board of Directors.

Official Eurofurence camera teams may record video and take photos in the public areas of the convention and during events to be used for publication. You agree that videos and pictures taken of you can be used in such publications without release or compensation. A release will only be required for material filmed in situations where a reasonable expectation of privacy exists.

Photography and filming is strictly forbidden in the Art Show. Cameras and cell phones will have to be left outside.

Other restrictions or rules may apply for certain events, and will be announced on location.

The Bottom Line

That being said, many of the above rules involve "worst-case" scenarios and are put into place to ensure the safety and comfort of our members. In the past, Eurofurence has generally been a quiet and pleasurable experience, and we anticipate no difficulties, as our members as a whole are rational and responsible adults. Eurofurence is prepared to deal with any or all of the above scenarios in a rapid and efficient manner, should they occur. We thank our members for their past cooperation and for their continued assistance in making this a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. Have fun - just please remember to be courteous of those around you while doing so! We hope you will have a great time!

Auszug der Eurofurence Seite:

Welcome to Berlin

Whether you come from the mist-forests to the north, the great mountains to the east, the deserts to the south, or the vast oceans to the west, we are delighted that you have chosen to attend EF 21. The recent excavation of previously unknown Ancestor structures in the Sonnenallee District should provide us with a weekend’s worth of discussion and speculation on how the Ancestors lived, and perhaps even where they went!

The weather in the Berlin area is expected to be humid and pleasantly moderate, in the low 30s, and our Safety Patrol has been working tirelessly to keep our perimeter safe from raiders. Upon your arrival, we will provide a guide as to which of our local plants and fruits are edible, and which insects to avoid. We look forward to your participation in our conference this year!

Eurofurence is an annual gathering of the furry community, people who enjoy exploring the world of anthropomorphic animals through many forms of imagination, including art, costuming, puppetry, music, writing, and dance. EF 21 takes place in a future Berlin, a “greenhouse world” populated entirely by anthropomorphic animals in the overgrown ruins of the cities once inhabited by their mysterious “Ancestors.”

For now, there is no programm officially released. Usually the programm can be viewed in the conbook, that is available at the con. So informations are not up to date mostly.

Any information regarding the programm will be editet here asap.

To give you a short look what the Eurofurence had the last years:

A Disco / Fursuit-Dance

PawPet Show (Puppet Show)

Workshops for Art, Fursuits and much more

DealersDen (Buying Area)

Art Show (Display of art that can be bought later)


Comedy Show


Fursuit Show

These are just some things you can enjoy at the EF!

Policies >> Eurofurence Rules of Conduct

Eurofurence likes to present itself as a professional convention of friendly, respectful and open-minded members of the furry community and their friends. As a condition of membership, all Eurofurence attendees are required to abide by these rules of conduct for the entire duration of their stay, even prior to opening or after closing of the convention. When in doubt about any of these rules, please ask - we will gladly answer all your questions. However, please understand that we will not debate these rules with you during the convention. The rules of conduct will be strictly enforced by Eurofurence security volunteers who will be clearly identified as such on site. If you have any problem with any action taken by a Staff member you may take the matter up with the Chief of Security or the Chairman.

General Rules

Any action or behavior that causes significant interference with convention operations, excessive discomfort to other attendees, or adversely affects Eurofurence's relationship with its guests, its venues or the public is strictly forbidden and may result in permanent suspension of membership. This general rule supersedes all others listed below and may be invoked at any time.

Please treat each other respectfully.

You are liable for any damage you might cause.

Always follow the directions by convention staff and security.

Harassment of any kind, including physical assault, battery, deliberate intimidation, stalking, or unwelcome physical attentions, will not be tolerated.

Please be aware that the lobby, the foyers and the restaurants are public areas, and that there may be regular hotel guests around who are not taking part in our convention. Please help us to give them the best possible impression of our fandom!

Registration and Badges

You must be at least 18 years old on the first day of the convention.

Eurofurence functions are open only to registered attendees.

Attendees are identified by their personal membership badge.

A badge is valid only for the person to whom it was issued and may not be shared.

Badges must be presented and/or surrendered to any Staff member requesting it.

Changing or obscuring information on your badge is not allowed.

Hotel Rules

The consumption of food or drink purchased from outside of the hotel is not permitted in the hotel's public areas.

It is strictly forbidden to throw/dangle/hang anything out of any windows, balconies or any other elevated location. Violators will be expelled from the convention.

Attendees may not enter the service areas of the hotel. This includes all backstage areas, service elevators, the rooftops, emergency exits and all areas marked as "Staff Only".

Disabling or deliberately triggering fire-protection devices (such as smoke detectors, sprinklers, door alarms) is strictly prohibited.

The sale of any kind of merchandise outside the official Dealers' Den requires explicit permission by the Eurofurence Board of Directors.

No sleeping in the lobby, the hallways or the meeting rooms. Get a room, please!

For safety reasons it is not allowed to bring dogs, cats or other animals into your hotel room or any of the convention event areas.

Parties and Gatherings

Gatherings in hotel rooms must not generate any noise that can be heard in neighboring rooms during nighttime hours.

Hotel doors must be kept shut during such gatherings and guests are not permitted to congregate in the hotel corridors.

Loud parties will be given a single warning to remain quiet. No second warnings will be given before action is taken by the hotel to remove the offending individuals.

All room occupants are equally responsible for cleaning up after a party. Trash must be put into bags. Don't leave the mess for hoursekeeping.

Security is required to clear out overcrowded rooms. For your own safety we recommend keeping the occupancy below 10 in a regular room, or below 20 in a junior suite.

Clothing and Decency

Wearing costumes, accessories or displaying items made out of real fur is not allowed.

Nudity exceeding the equivalent of a non-thong bathing suit is not allowed in public.

To prevent damage to costumes and hotel property, body paint requires an individual permission by the Chief of Security. Face makeup does not require permission.

Sexual behaviour that goes beyond a mere display of affection is not allowed in public.

Blatant exposure of fetish gear is not permitted in public, even if it is part of a costume.

Display of adult materials (such as room signs, flyers, business cards, posters and drawings on public message boards) is not permitted in public areas of the hotel and convention center.

The limit for "adult themed" materials is the equivalent of what you can see on the magazine covers at an average German newsstand. Drawing the line for "fetish gear" is a little bit more tricky. To avoid unexpected differences with our Security Staff, please ask us in advance if you're unsure about the adequacy of an item.

When used as a fashion statement or part of a costume, the following items are usually allowed:

Collars (without leash)

Decorative Wristbands (without D-Rings)

Sled Dog Harnesses (only if part of a matching costume)

The following items are explicitly NOT allowed in public:

Full-body rubber or vinyl costumes.

Costumes that are visibly "anatomically correct".

Costumes or accessories related to age-play, pet-play or BDSM.

Costumes indecently revealing the wearers own private anatomy.

We may take the liberty to allow additional exceptions if your outfit is exceptionally discrete, tasteful and/or good looking - no promise, though.

Alcohol and other Drugs

Persons who are intoxicated to the point of incapacity will be escorted to their room, and may consequentially be banned from the convention.

Any individual found to be in possession of or distributing illegal or controlled substances will be removed and reported directly to the local authorities.

Smoking is not permitted anywhere inside the hotel and convention center, except for the smoker's lounge.

You are expected to drink responsibly. You will be held responsible for what you do, even when drunk.


All weapons, including look-alikes, replicas, tools and toys must be approved immediately after your registration on site. Please go to the ConOps office for approval.

Security may require your weapon to be peace-bound. Tampering with the peace bonding is not allowed.

No water pistols, silly string, or any thrown or projectile-type toy may be used in any area of the hotel or convention center.

Mock fights, swordplay, fire breathing or any other dangerous activities are not allowed.

Exceptions for staged events are possible, but require an individual permission by the Chief of Security. Please make sure to inquire ahead of time - perferably before the convention.

Photography and Video

Eurofurence e.V. reserves all rights to video and photo material gathered at the convention with the exception of footage from private rooms.

Eurofurence e.V. grants you the right to use videos and photos you have taken at the convention for private and/or non-commercial purposes.

Publication in for-profit media requires written permission by the Board of Directors.

Official Eurofurence camera teams may record video and take photos in the public areas of the convention and during events to be used for publication. You agree that videos and pictures taken of you can be used in such publications without release or compensation. A release will only be required for material filmed in situations where a reasonable expectation of privacy exists.

Photography and filming is strictly forbidden in the Art Show. Cameras and cell phones will have to be left outside.

Other restrictions or rules may apply for certain events, and will be announced on location.

The Bottom Line

That being said, many of the above rules involve "worst-case" scenarios and are put into place to ensure the safety and comfort of our members. In the past, Eurofurence has generally been a quiet and pleasurable experience, and we anticipate no difficulties, as our members as a whole are rational and responsible adults. Eurofurence is prepared to deal with any or all of the above scenarios in a rapid and efficient manner, should they occur. We thank our members for their past cooperation and for their continued assistance in making this a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. Have fun - just please remember to be courteous of those around you while doing so! We hope you will have a great time!

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