Tokonatsu 2013
30.08.2013 bis 01.09.2013
Offizieller Veranstalter
Tokonatsu Committee
Keine Angabe
Event außerhalb von D/A/CH/LU
Boyd Campsite and Activity Centre Church Road Bedfordshire 6AN
SG16 Henlow

Tokonatsu is a unique type of event: rather than an indoor convention, it is a camp site where participants stay in tents (renting a tent is possible, bringing one's own is typical), and the events happen outdoors or in big tents (marquees).

It lasts from Friday to Sunday, with the option to stay at the camp site until Monday morning.

Due to major issues with the camp site used so far, the event originally scheduled for 02-04 August had to be postponed by 4 weeks and relocated to a different camp site.

Genauer Treffpunkt:

see map


38 GBP including meals. Registration has closed earlier this year.

Ungefährer Ablauf:

The event schedule will become clearer closer to the time of the event, but typically includes anime showings, speed drawing puzzle, quiz, evening campfire round, cosplay presentation, chasing people around the campsite and more fun stuff.

There will be a games tent, Bring and Buy, Dealer's tent.

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