Reise in die Anderswelt
Offizieller Veranstalter
Keine Angabe
Zombiekitten oder Psychomister
Club- / Gruppentreffen
Keine Angabe
Bad Berleburg
Céad míle fáilte ...

Well, my dear friends, like all the years that have passed by, Samhain is close to us once more.
And, like last year, my beloved one and I have decided to gather with our little group again.

So.... for this year, we have planned to manage everything a bit better than lastr year because of.... you know what I'm about, right?
Probably we will meet at Kitten's house this year - in the evening, I suppose. For the start we will be having some talks like everytime, and maybe eat something or like that ...
Later, we will do a little walk in the dark ... up to the forest, we think, and have a little of your "story telling nights" again.
Somewhen later, when we are home again, we will enjoy ourselfs by watching movies and such things....

So... there are some things you should bring with you.
First of all, it would be nice if everyone could bring something to eat or to drink with'm. If someone wants to have some alcohol, that person should bring it with him-/herself.
Second, you will need something that will keep you warm all over the night... like a sheet. Or a sleeping bag. You know.

So....what else can be said?
I think everyone of us knows, what you should leave at home...

Well then...
See ya at Samhain

Liebe/r User/in,

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