Wednesday 13 in Köln
Offizieller Veranstalter
Keine Angabe
Keine Angabe
Vogelsanger Straße 200
50825 Köln
Wednesday 13, who recently returned home from a 7 week overseas tour and is currently touring the U.S., will be returning to the U.K. and Germany this November in support of his latest release Fang Bang. However this time he is doing something different. As venues get bigger and bigger, the shows lose a little of the personal connection. As a way to show support to his fans, Wednesday 13 will be doing a 2 week mini-tour of intimate venues. Most of the venues will range in size from 150-400 capacity - less then 1/5 of the size of his normal venues.
The shows will also contain a special extended 1 1/2 hour set. Wednesday will perform songs from all of his releases; starting with songs from each of The Frankenstein Drag Queen releases, moving on to The Murderdolls and then performing songs from each of his two solo releases. Wednesday will be announcing the one opening band for this tour shortly.

Commented Wednesday 13 "I have had such great support from the fans overseas that I really wanted to give them something special. On the upcoming "Fan Bang" tour we have been looking for places where we can give the fans a stripped down, personal performance. The bad news, there will only be limited seats - the good news, you will get to see us like never before!"

In diesem Sinne - lasst uns Mr. Poole und Konsorten rocken ;]

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