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  • Lilo
    Full name:Lilo (Lieselotte) Parker born as Müller

    Lilo is a 21 year old young woman and living in the USA. She is originally from Germany. With 16 she moved to the USA and fell in love there. She married and became pregnant but lost her child shortly after her husband died during an investigation as a policeman.

    She tries to move on and bought with Jame´s life insurance a location to start a business.
  • David
    Full name:David Smith

    David is a 29 year old policeman in the USA. His best friend James died during an investigation. He tries to move on an helps Lilo as much as he can. But he is not sure how he can really help her.
    Full name:Elisabeth Müller

    Betty is a 16 year old girl from Germany. Some weeks ago she moved to her sisters apartment... Living in the USA is very exciting for her. She grew up in a small town not to far from Berlin. She is a good Person, quite mature for her age, honest, helpful, considerate, respectful and open-minded. She is very shy but when it come to protecting what she loves she becomes a fighter.
    Full name:James Parker
    Age:died at the age of 28

    James is the former husband of Lilo. He died during an investigation as a policeman. David always was his best friend. They worked side by side each day as colleague. David always called him Mister Perfect. Because that´s what he was. Good Looks, intelligent, considerate, successfull at business and even in his private life. He had a very strong will to make himself better each day. Always seeking at perfection. Sometimes it was even to much für David or Lilo.
