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Warrior's Grace

  • Fye/Fay D. Flourite
    Alias:Big Kitty
    Gender:Male XDD
    Age:about 20?

    Fay is a comedic, happy-go-lucky ex-magician who gave away a magical tattoo on his back to travel between worlds
  • Kurogane
    Alias:Kuro-lin, Kuro-poo, Kuro-sama, Big Doggy etc....
    Gender:Male XD
    Age:also about 20?

    Kurogane comes from Japan and joins the group in the first episode, after being sent to the Time-Witch by Princess Tomoyo, who also placed a curse on Kurogane to stop him from unnecessarily killing people (if he kills someone, he becomes weaker). She sent him to the Time-Witch telling him that he would "journey to become stronger" but she's hoping he will find the true meaning of strength.
