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~Do it like Italy and just surrender~

  • America / US
    Voller Name:Alfred F. Jones
    Interessen:Aliens, Burger und den Helden spielen
    Geburtstag:4. July (Unabhängigkeitstag)

    "A nation of pioneers who think of everything in a positive light, is quick to take action, and loves heroes, justice, freedom, as well as hamburgers."
  • England / UK
    Voller Name:Arthur Kirkland
    Interessen:Fabelwesen und magische Rituale

    "Is cynical, hates to lose, and is slightly obstinate."
    "Loves spirits/ghosts, faeries, magic and legends to the point where he has a list of spiritual residents as well as ghost tours."
    "Also, is a nation that keeps appearing on the news for stupid sex acts."

    WTF? XD
  • Russia
    Voller Name:Ivan Braginski
    Interessen:Die ganze Welt einmal in sich zu vereinen und andere - besonders China - ärgern und quälen, und natürlich Sonnenblumen
    Geburtstag:30. Dezember

    "A gigantic northern nation that has been tormented ever since childhood."
    "Because he is attacked by General Winter pretty much every year, he hates the snow. Yet, whenever there is a war, General Winter becomes his best ally."
    "At the first impression, he seems to be a pure-hearted country bumpkin, and yet, conversely speaking, he holds a child-like cruelty. Compared to other nations, Russia's history has seen more bloodbaths and tragedies."
    "Either way, whatever he does, there is vodka involved. His fuel is vodka. Whenever he wants to invade the south to obtain it, England is always there to get in his way, so truthfully, he wants to punch England."

  • China
    Voller Name:Yao Wang
    Alter:4000 (unsterblich? XD)
    Interessen:Pandas, Hello Kitty (Shinatty-chan) und ein gutes Vorbild sein
    Geburtstag:10. Oktober (Gründung der Republik)

    "A nation that possesses a long history, a large territory, and the roots of Asian culture."
    "The current image is China=pandas, but at one time they were handled mostly by Europe and America as an UMA (Unidentified Mysterious Animal)."

    LOL O.o
